Why don't Hawkins and Willis play


Mar 24, 2013
This is a discussion I'm afraid to have on here anymore because of the people who will immediately claim I'm just wanting kids from Kentucky to play, but I think it is a legitimate question to ask why these kids don't get game time. My opinion is that Cal only plays his 5-star guys so he can continue to get 5-star guys. Cal's unwillingness to play anyone except his headline recruits is pretty much the only aspect of having Cal as the coach that makes me mad. And I guess he probably sees it like this: if a 5 star recruit sees a former 5 star recruit get benched for a lesser known name, maybe the new recruit will choose to go elsewhere.

Hawkins is a proven defender, energy guy, and winner, who looked to have an improved offensive game to start the year. Willis is a better player than Wiltjer was and has the potential to open up the floor, not to mention he can actually hold on to the ball when rebounding. Playing both would give the team more options, more looks, and would rest the other rotation players for the end of the game. I think they need 5+ minutes a game (at least in first halves) and a shot to prove that they can be an asset on the floor at any time in the game.
Hawkins brings nothing offensively. He'll just make it harder on his teammates offensively because his supposed man will not even guard him.

He's a good defender, but he gets undisciplined and too aggressive.

I can see an agreement being made for Willis because of his shooting. But he seems more like a gunner at this point. We don't have statical prove to say he's a knockdown sniper.
Originally posted by UK3K:
This is a discussion I'm afraid to have on here anymore because of the people who will immediately claim I'm just wanting kids from Kentucky to play, but I think it is a legitimate question to ask why these kids don't get game time. My opinion is that Cal only plays his 5-star guys so he can continue to get 5-star guys. Cal's unwillingness to play anyone except his headline recruits is pretty much the only aspect of having Cal as the coach that makes me mad. And I guess he probably sees it like this: if a 5 star recruit sees a former 5 star recruit get benched for a lesser known name, maybe the new recruit will choose to go elsewhere.

Hawkins is a proven defender, energy guy, and winner, who looked to have an improved offensive game to start the year. Willis is a better player than Wiltjer was and has the potential to open up the floor, not to mention he can actually hold on to the ball when rebounding. Playing both would give the team more options, more looks, and would rest the other rotation players for the end of the game. I think they need 5+ minutes a game (at least in first halves) and a shot to prove that they can be an asset on the floor at any time in the game.
All of UK's players are winners.

He plays the 5 star guys because they are the best players.

I will spare the board all the OBVIOUS reasons those two not play as unlike some I do not want to insult individual players.
It's not about how good YOU are, it's how good the people in front of you are. Both would have been Tubby starters.
Cal plays his best players. Neither Willis nor Hawkins offer anything better than those players in front of them.
We're already consistently playing 9 guys. This isn't the NBA where you are playing 11 guys on a regular basis.
Originally posted by ymmot31:

It's not about how good YOU are, it's how good the people in front of you are. Both would have been Tubby starters.
This is really just the case.

It's like asking why certain players don't play more on the Olympic basketball team. If LeBron, Kobe, Melo, Howard and Westbrook are out there--can you really get that upset over player x y or z not playing?

Willis would have played more on A LOT of Kentucky teams. This happens to be one of the deepest we've had. And, I'm more than ok with that.
It is so easy to say they bring nothing or have better players ahead of them. But, is that entirely accurate? Are you saying that Hawkins defensive effort isn't sometimes better than some of our other guards especially in staying in front of his man? Would you say that Willis may not have some offensive skills that might help?

What we might not always know is the politics of being the coach. I for one believe Cal has to please the Harrison's dad and support the kids who are certainly seeking pro outcome. Same with Lyles. Hawkins and Willis are not, at least, currently pro material. But, I do think we will see them get some time if the games aren't so close.

Personally (and it of course doesn't matter what any of us think, Cal is the coach), I would prefer to see some return of the platoons intact using Hawkins or Willis a bit more. What would happen if Willis is on the second platoon? Again, there has not been much of an opportunity to experiment because the games have been too tight.
Originally posted by UK90:
Originally posted by UK3K:

My opinion is that Cal only plays his 5-star guys so he can continue to get 5-star guys.
Well, your opinion is wrong. Just a few examples: Josh Harrelson was low regarded three star--Cal started him; Darius Miller was certainly no five star--Cal started him; Julius Mays was bottom rung unranked three star--not only did Cal start him, but he gave Julius more minutes than any player on the entire UK roster in the 12-13 season, etc.

If a lower ranked kid proves he deserves the time, and we have a need for him, Cal WILL play him, even start him--he's proven it over and over. Willis and Hawkins simply have not shown that they deserve PT over the more talented players above them, it's that simple, there is no conspiracy against them.
What about Willie?

And the problem with the logic that he only plays 5 stars--he has recrutied those 3 and 4 star guys. Matthews is listed as a 4 star.

Hawkins got a decent bit of PT last season. Cal has made it clear he wants those type of guys. But, they still have to earn playing time OVER the guys in front of them. And, so far this year, they haven't.
Originally posted by UK3K:

Willis is a better player than Wiltjer was and has the potential to open up the floor
I've seen this claim made by several here, but I've no idea what evidence it's based on. What has Willis done in actual games to convince people that he's "a better player than Wiltjer"? Cuz I can't say I've seen it.

And given that Willis is only a career 27 percent three point shooter here (and only 39 percent from the field overall) I'm not sure where you're seeing all this "potential to open up the floor" either.
I understand why they are not playing but I worry Willis may be getting tired of the situation. He didn't look very excited or in to the game most of the time yesterday. I hope he realizes that next year might be his best chance to play.
Originally posted by 5iveStarRecruit:
Hawkins brings nothing offensively. He'll just make it harder on his teammates offensively because his supposed man will not even guard him.

He's a good defender, but he gets undisciplined and too aggressive.

I can see an agreement being made for Willis because of his shooting. But he seems more like a gunner at this point. We don't have statical prove to say he's a knockdown sniper.
Well Hawkins would have fit right in with the rest of the offensively challenged team yesterday.
I thought Hawkins might get in during the Mississippi game because they were scoring at will, maybe to see if it could break their rhythm and bring some energy to the UK defense.
Originally posted by mdlUK.1:
I understand why they are not playing but I worry Willis may be getting tired of the situation. He didn't look very excited or in to the game most of the time yesterday. I hope he realizes that next year might be his best chance to play.
Will it? I think Cal will sign 2-3 more studs to go along with whatever we have coming back.

He needs to improve a ton to get key bench minutes.
Originally posted by Wildcat Droppings:
Why recruit them in the first place if you know you aren't going to play them?

At other schools, it's normal for your freshmen and sophomores not to play much the first few years.

Cal, I'm sure hopes they can contribute sooner rather than later. But so far, they haven't earned PT over the guys in front of them. Hawkins DID actually play a decent bit last season
Willis is our best interior ball handler & passer. Hawkins would be our best perimeter defender (stronger & taller than Ullis).He would also shoot a higher percentage from 2 than Andrew.

That being said. Willis don't play because he doesn't make shots when he gets his chance & doesn't do enough to take minutes away. Hawkins doesn't play because of Ullis & Cals commitment to Andrew. He also is a 2 trying to play 1. Doesn't handle the ball good enough
Originally posted by rolaid:
Willis is our best interior ball handler & passer. Hawkins would be our best perimeter defender (stronger & taller than Ullis).He would also shoot a higher percentage from 2 than Andrew.

That being said. Willis don't play because he doesn't make shots when he gets his chance & doesn't do enough to take minutes away. Hawkins doesn't play because of Ullis & Cals commitment to Andrew. He also is a 2 trying to play 1. Doesn't handle the ball good enough
You think Hawkins is better than Andrew Harrison and should get his minutes? SMH at some of our fans. And he is a 2? The guy is one of the worst shooters I've ever seen. Shoot better from 2? Give me a break.
Originally posted by rolaid:
Willis is our best interior ball handler & passer. Hawkins would be our best perimeter defender (stronger & taller than Ullis).He would also shoot a higher percentage from 2 than Andrew.

That being said. Willis don't play because he doesn't make shots when he gets his chance & doesn't do enough to take minutes away. Hawkins doesn't play because of Ullis & Cals commitment to Andrew. He also is a 2 trying to play 1. Doesn't handle the ball good enough
Hawkins might be our best defensive player, but all those other things our debatable at best.
Willis should at least be gaing some ground on Lee based on his(Lee) last two outings.

To me it's apples and oranges when comparring Lee and Willis anyway. Lee is really a 5 and Willis is a 3/4 combo.

Why will Cal not try a Willis/Lyles combo instead of Lee/Lyles at the forward slots?

One of our problems is that we are playing guys at the 4 who are really 5's and when you factor in that Trey is a 4 playing the 3, we have a slow team that lacks offensive versitility.
Originally posted by SkyPrince1:

Willis should at least be gaing some ground on Lee based on his(Lee) last two outings.

To me it's apples and oranges when comparring Lee and Willis anyway. Lee is really a 5 and Willis is a 3/4 combo.

Why will Cal not try a Willis/Lyles combo instead of Lee/Lyles at the forward slots?

One of our problems is that we are playing guys at the 4 who are really 5's and when you factor in that Trey is a 4 playing the 3, we have a slow team that lacks offensive versitility.
I think the assumption is that Willis's defense doesn't bring what Lee's does.
Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:
Simple answer (or suggestion): Look at who's playing in front of them
OP , there is nothing wrong with asking the question but that is the simple answer. I think Willis will play in the league one day but there are 7-8 1st rounders or early 2nd rounders a head of him . Hawkins is an elite athlete and would start for almost every SEC team but again look who is ahead of him.
Willis not playing will always be a mystery to me. And I'm one of the most DIE HARD Calipari fans. I just don't understand it.

He has a decent outside shot but more importantly he is the BEST post feeder on the team. It appears that feeding the post is his FAVORITE thing to do. He's almost obsessed with it. Given that the twins seem to live on the outside, posting up Dakari and WCS would be a breath of fresh air. Nobody does it better than Willis.
While the player in front of you might be "better" overall as in a better athlete or a more rounded skill set that doesn't mean the next player in line doesn't have something to contribute to give the team more options for different styles of play. I think that saying, "look who is in front of them," is a pretty valid reason, except for this...the players in front of them get all the experience in games to settle their nerves and get in the rhythm of playing. Don't you think a player that only gets in once every 3rd game for 3 minutes is going to have a lot of rust and nerves? If they played regularly they may not look like the train wreck they sometimes do when they feel like they have to come in and prove themselves right away or it is back to the bench. Maybe Cal doesn't feel like giving those two game time experience game in and game out is a luxury he has, but I have a feeling if they have that experience the gap between them and the guy ahead of them would close significantly.
Originally posted by UKWildcats#8:

Originally posted by mdlUK.1:
I understand why they are not playing but I worry Willis may be getting tired of the situation. He didn't look very excited or in to the game most of the time yesterday. I hope he realizes that next year might be his best chance to play.
Will it? I think Cal will sign 2-3 more studs to go along with whatever we have coming back.

He needs to improve a ton to get key bench minutes.
Number one, I said MIGHT. Number two, Willis is a lot better than some of you give him credit for. He has also been going against some of the best players in practice and hopefully getting better.