Who will be the next 2016 commitment

I think it will either be Fox, Bridges, or Simmions. What do you guys think

Simmons can't shoot. Cal has come to understand that if you can't shoot as a guard or SF, don't apply. Simmons is a PG who simply is not a good shooter. I'll take Fox any day of the week and I think he is UK bound.
I'd be surprised if UK gets a point guard next with the uncertainty of Ulis and Briscoe.

I'd imagine it will one of the wing players - Fultz, Bridges, or Alkins. Monk said he wants to wait a bit, probably because he wants UK and doesn't want to put up with a full season of hearing crap from the Arkansas fan base.
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Fultz will be next pretty soon followed by Fox and Bridges in December. Just an educated guess.
Not getting my hopes up for Bridges to UK..Tom has had 9 players play for him from Flint..I think bridges will be 10...
Not getting my hopes up for Bridges to UK..Tom has had 9 players play for him from Flint..I think bridges will be 10...

Jerry Meyer, Evan Daniels and Eric Bossi would disagree.

Bossi had a post on the national board saying he's only hearing Kentucky.
Well i hope Jerry Meyer, Evan Daniels and Eric Bossi are correct, but ill need to see Bridges commit before i believe it ;)
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Izzo is a good coach and always has a tough team but he is out of his league when it comes to recruiting the elite prospects even in his own backyard. His coaching style and team building method is old school like Tubby and its trying to fit a square peg in a round hole in todays recruiting atmosphere. Sad but true.
There is nothing to offer or nothing "sexy" for elite recruits at Michigan State unless you count the cheerleaders or dance team.
There is nothing to offer or nothing "sexy" for elite recruits at Michigan State unless you count the cheerleaders or dance team.

I beg to differ...

The problem with mich state is that they have don't really do the one and done. If he's looking to stay only one year and doesn't want the hassle of people trying to manipulate him back for a second year then it's pretty much UK, KU or Duke as a destination. And then below a notch is Ohio state and then way down the line is louisville and Indiana but that's only if you want to be one and done by transferring
Simmons can't shoot. Cal has come to understand that if you can't shoot as a guard or SF, don't apply. Simmons is a PG who simply is not a good shooter. I'll take Fox any day of the week and I think he is UK bound.

Cal may prefer Fox over Simmons, but to say he's learned not to recruit kids that can't shoot well is ridiculous.
Well i hope Jerry Meyer, Evan Daniels and Eric Bossi are correct, but ill need to see Bridges commit before i believe it ;)

I'm sure UNC was batting about 1.000 on kids in Chapel Hill before yesterday, too.
Monk will be at UK but he ain't committing til late Spring . It will be Fultz in the next few weeks , Bridges in the next 6 weeks and Fox soon after. That will be our Fall class .
This is your opinion. But Fox has said on several occasions that he will commit in December, not before. Based on his brother Marcus' statements, I believe Monk has already decided on Kentucky. He might choose to wait on his announcement to keep the locals off his back, in which case you might be right. But whenever Monk picks Kentucky, he will face blowback at home. So 1 school of thought would be for him to get it over with in November. I do not presume to know which way he will decide to do it. But it would be much better for Calipari if Monk announces in November, and I never discount Calipari's powers of persuasion. If Calipari feels comfortable with Monk, or if Fultz perceives Monk trending toward Kentucky, I tend to think Fultz might not be in our class. I am not ruling out the possibility that Fultz could announce for Kentucky. I'm sure he would like to play for Calipari, all things being equal. But with a Monk leaning toward Kentucky, all things are not equal. Would Fultz want to join a crowded Kentucky backcourt along with Monk, Fox, Ulis, Mulder, Hawkins? I doubt it. Anyway, I agree with you on Bridges, who appears to be almost locked up for us in November.