Who has the best avatar?

YEARS ago (we're talking WAY before the earliest versions of these forums existed and the internet was still new/unnheard of for most folks, I read an article about a street performer in New Orleans named Perri the Hobo. There was a photo of him drinking at an outdoor bar and smoking a heater. That picture has been my avatar (whenever I have NEEDED an avatar, ever since. IIRC that was circa 1994.)

Before I retired, my employer made a big push to use Microsoft TEAMS and requested that each of us upload a photo to use in Teams. That's the one I uploaded. They weren't pleased with that (they wanted serious pictures/actual photos of each person)

I listened to their concerns, and reasons why it was important to them, to take "this seriously" and then I left the Clown as my avatar. They repeatedly deleted that photo and replaced it with a generic logo, but I modified the group policy so that each time I logged in, it uploaded the Clown picture again. LOL