Which public figure/celebrity do you dislike the most?


Gold Member
Feb 4, 2004
Murfreesboro , TN
Kanye West..... That narssistic, racist, ahole has something like 11 million Twitter followers and follows 1. He really is my least favorite public figure by a mile. Let me know when he interrupts an African American winning a Grammy. What a terrible human being and disgrace to humanity.
Kanye and the Kardashians. Maybe the crew of Jersey Shore. There are alot of celebs to dislike these days.
Wouldn't it be easier to name the celebrity you admire and respect the most? I mean my list of celebrities I dislike the most would be about a 100-way tie. The list of celebrities I admire most would be a list of maybe two or three.
In addition to others already mentioned, I would like these people to just go away:

Michael Moore
Miley Cyrus
Russell Brand
Gwenneth Paltrow
James Franco
Al Sharpton
Rosie O'Donnell

This post was edited on 2/11 3:16 PM by DSmith21
I'm sure this will be a very unpopular choice because it's not PC to beat a dead horse but mine is Mr. Ed. He just really let the fame go to giant head of his. That time he kicked Lassie at the PETA Awards show was just classless. I don't even think he was a pure bread horse...he was at least 60% jack ass.
Originally posted by bradyjames:
African American
lol at using African American so not to appear racist, it is 2015 now you need to stop seeing skin color.
Most reality people
Bill Maher
JayZ and Beyounce
Most political figures
Almost every Activist.
Jesse Ventura
Originally posted by bradyjames:
Kanye West..... That narssistic, racist, ahole has something like 11 million Twitter followers and follows 1. He really is my least favorite public figure by a mile. Let me know when he interrupts an African American winning a Grammy. What a terrible human being and disgrace to humanity.
Brady you broke from the gate fast and had a big lead but by the time post #3, #7, #9 got their legs I'm not sure you're going to be able to bring Kanye home.... There's just too many good plugs and nags to dislike in this race.
Adam Morrison > Larry Bird

Took Bird 8 seconds to get a shot off, McHale was the real star on the team.

This post was edited on 2/11 3:58 PM by GYERater
^And your opinion on Larry Bird is shared by.....exactly zero other people. I respect your right to have an opinion but this one is just so incredibly wrong as to be laughable.
BO is what he says he is.

Michael Moore loves to denounce capitalism, all the while, becoming a capitalist by way of selling his drivel to idiots who thinks he hates capitalism - he's actually quite smart.
I was going to add some other political isht-stirrers but after some consideration I wont. They are all just playing the game and getting paid. They make millions with just hot air and pandering. I'll just hate the game and not the players.

I guess my true disgust goes to the hoes - Kardashians and Hiltons. I dont like that the are rewarded for being vapid, materialistic whores. As a parent I hate for girls to see them as mega-celebrities because they made a sex tape. They contribute nothing to society but are treated like queens. Sad, really.
I have a celebrity space shuttle headed towards the sun that contains people like Rosie, Kanye, Kardashians, and all kinds of other pricks.