Where did the time go?

Good memories. Definitely feels like it’s been a minute though. At least that’s what my waistline and hairline say.
I like Mills, but dang he's NOT a great broadcaster. Even was giving Duke teams praise tonight. Like, dude.....stop. lol
He Is terrible serious! He loves to hear himself talk. And truthfully he gets alot of things wrong. He is the worst to cut someone off in middle of a sentence trying to correct them, only to be wrong. Not just last night but all the time. He is just not that good. I also don't feel like he truly loves the game a way a former UK player should who grew up with those dreams.

And you can ignore Me that Is fine. But you're correct about Cam I'd like to see Derek Anderson in that role and countdown to tip off show. I think he'd be good in that role.
He Is terrible serious! He loves to hear himself talk. And truthfully he gets alot of things wrong. He is the worst to cut someone off in middle of a sentence trying to correct them, only to be wrong. Not just last night but all the time. He is just not that good. I also don't feel like he truly loves the game a way a former UK player should who grew up with those dreams.

And you can ignore Me that Is fine. But you're correct about Cam I'd like to see Derek Anderson in that role and countdown to tip off show. I think he'd be good in that role.
Nah, I agree with most of that. I don't like his takes sometimes, especially when he talks about like stuff in the 90s. We know, man. It's just an entirely different era of ball.

He's not bad on radio, I used to enjoy his show he had for awhile. I was similar to KSR and they would talk about goofy stuff from time to time. Made it interesting. He's good at that kind of stuff.
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Nah, I agree with most of that. I don't like his takes sometimes, especially when he talks about like stuff in the 90s. We know, man. It's just an entirely different era of ball.

He's not bad on radio, I used to enjoy his show he had for awhile. I was similar to KSR and they would talk about goofy stuff from time to time. Made it interesting. He's good at that kind of stuff.
Yeah, I used to listen to that as well. What happened to that? Does he not do that show no more? Or they take him off. I know it had Return of the Mack as the intro music. I used to listen to it some.

I was liking Alan Cutlers little podcast but he just spends too much time talking about who all he knows and tried to get recognition by name dropping and then acting like he almost let something slip on air that was so important that Dick Hoops Weiss or someone told him, so my perception has changed on him. I still think he got balls to call ppl out, but I think he can be full of himself and full of shit at times.
Nah, I agree with most of that. I don't like his takes sometimes, especially when he talks about like stuff in the 90s. We know, man. It's just an entirely different era of ball.

He's not bad on radio, I used to enjoy his show he had for awhile. I was similar to KSR and they would talk about goofy stuff from time to time. Made it interesting. He's good at that kind of stuff.
And hey I apologize man. Here awhile back when I was still new you called me a troll. I took offense and then I threw a couple of my own jabs at ya. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about or maybe you don't even have a clue. But I apologize for that. I actually agree with most of your shit. I don't apologize to ppl much. 😂
One day I'm watching Mills and Shep win a national championship. I blink and it's 25 years later and Mills is on the broadcast team for the Blue White game featuring Shep's son. Who had this on their bingo card??

Good freaking question. '98 was my Sr year of HS. 25 yr reunion this year. Unbelievable...
How quickly you all turn on one of your own the second they do something that you take offense to.

In a few days you all will be dogging his kid if he don't score 35 points against Georgetown.

I can honestly say I'm not surprised at anything that is typed on the message board anymore.
I’m with you, I usually look at things in 10 year increments. So this March will be 30 years since Marquette and Jim McIlvane knocked us out of the dance, 20 years since Gerald Fitch missed his three against UAB, and 10 years since Aaron Harrison took us on a magical run.
Seems like yesterday I was keeping my own running stat sheet listening to Cawood call the game and looking forward to the 11:30 tape delay broadcast on a Saturday night.
Still can't get that damn Mrs Grissoms commercial jingle out of my head!
One day I'm watching Mills and Shep win a national championship. I blink and it's 25 years later and Mills is on the broadcast team for the Blue White game featuring Shep's son. Who had this on their bingo card??
Yeah, I smoked some weird stuff back in the 80’s and lost like 2 days. Woke up hungry as Hell.