What was your favorite and least favorite UK uniform?


Dec 29, 2003
Favorite: The 1993 swoosh down one leg unies.

Least favorite: The 1994 abominations.
Favorite really is those that we wore this time last year in the Bahamas but if you mean favorite regular uniform ( that was worn for at least a season ) then it has to be the the ones we worn from 11-til now . Denims easily 2nd.

Worst is those boring ass ones we wore during Rondo's tenure that most people here LOVVVE so much .
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don't remember the year but it was the denim unis. they looked like uncheat blue on tv. hands down worst ever.
The 94 and 95 unies were among the worst in college basketball history. 94 had sideways triangles pointing in both directions. 95 had stalagmites or something. Kind of embarrassing.

Uniforms don't make the team, but the best team in college basketball should have the best look. We were Oregon football there for a couple of years.
Well, I don't know a favorite but my choice for worst is easy and I'm sure a lot will disagree. The ridiculous denim of 96, which wasn't even our colors, gets my vote. Loved the team, hated the uniforms.

I present to you your reigning, defending, undefeated champion of the UK uniform world, the greatest of all time
While I agree with most that the '94-'96 uniforms were awful(although I do have some affection for the '96 uni's due to the results of that year), My least favorite by far are the parachute shorts and skin tight jerseys from BCG's second year. Those things made players look like extras from MC Hammer's Can't Touch This video.

Favorite would probably be the early '90's look with the old UK logo at the bottom of the right shorts leg.
The "shark" uni's.
And the one's with the really tight tops and the overly baggy capris.

I present to you your reigning, defending, undefeated champion of the UK uniform world, the greatest of all time

Was waiting for it. @caneintally we gotta disagree on this one.

Although, bein a collector of many UK jerseys, I love the 90's years, especially the denim. Great time to grow up on the converse, asics, and Apex times.
Was waiting for it. @caneintally we gotta disagree on this one.

Although, bein a collector of many UK jerseys, I love the 90's years, especially the denim. Great time to grow up on the converse, asics, and Apex times.
I wish throwbacks were more readily available for purchase online. I've been looking for that jersey for forever and have had no luck.
I've been really disappointed by how mundane the Nike uniforms have been the last few years.

I also don't like the fact that all the Nike teams are wearing basically the exact same unis. Last year's tournament unis, where UK and Duke were wearing basically the same uniforms with only a slight difference in the design on the leg of the shorts - was the worst - especially since you could barely read the white-lettered team name on the front.

I'm also unhappy that UK has apparently completely expunged the wildcat from the school logos. The unimaginative interlocking UK is it (and now they've inexplicably messed with that by putting a different style UK on the football field). My favorite school logos are Florida's Gator logo and KU's Jayhawks logo. Character logos look great on t-shirts and hats too.

I guarantee that if UK put out a similar official wildcat logo, the merchandise would sell like hotcakes. I'm baffled why they don't do it.
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I'm also unhappy that UK has apparently completely expunged the wildcat from the school logos. The unimaginative interlocking UK is it (and now they've inexplicably messed with that by putting a different style UK on the football field). My favorite school logos are Florida's Gator logo and KU's Jayhawks logo. Character logos look great on t-shirts and hats too.

I'll probably catch some flak for this, but KU's uniforms where they have Jayhawks in cursive on the front of the jersey are some of the best unis ever.
I wish throwbacks were more readily available for purchase online. I've been looking for that jersey for forever and have had no luck.

I've actually got a blue one signed by the 2011 final four team. They were for sale some time back at that time.

If you want legitimate retro UK jerseys, you usually only find them on certain auction sites, and there's 3 or 4 of us you'll have to fight past to get them. :mad::mad:
I'll probably catch some flak for this, but KU's uniforms where they have Jayhawks in cursive on the front of the jersey are some of the best unis ever.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. I have absolutely hated most of the uniforms Adidas has done for their schools, but the Jayhawks uniform was a completely unique throwback uniform that they did just for Kansas - and I would agree it was sweet.

UK and Duke have the biggest national fanbases of any of the Nike schools - and UK is well it's it's way to developing an international fanbase. With apparel sales in mind, you'd think Nike would put more effort into developing our brand.
I like the white Kansas uniforms with the smaller Kansas lettering on the front. Very vintage and very good looking.

Best looking uniform of all time was either the UNC college plaid on the side look or Marquette's unies with the wild white and gold stripes up the side.

I present to you your reigning, defending, undefeated champion of the UK uniform world, the greatest of all time
Beat me to it. Hands down, the best UK uniforms and it's not even close imo. Here is Goose wearing the same uni in 1978. These uniforms are classic and timless.

i loved the last converse uniforms from 97. very classic looking with a bit of flash, perfect mix in my eyes.
Second worst. The ones we wore the year before (check out the Mardi Gras Miracle video) were even worse.

Yeah, those were horrible too but not sure I would give in to those compared to the pic above. I hated those in that pic and they make me cringe every time I see them, just hideous.
None of those uniforms are awful. I actually own a game used 00 Delk jersey from the cat scatch years. I wouldn't give anything for it. I loved all those uniforms growing up. They're all beautiful, even if a few are in an "ugly vintage" sort of way.

And hell denim is back I feel like I'm passing Marty McFly everyday.

The Tubby era may have been one of our drier winning spells, but when it comes to uniforms, it was our best ever thanks to these and the throwbacks Pope John Wall II posted.
You can say the worst ones are the denims but that's only because they were ugly color, but still the worst "jerseys" we had were the ones from the the years the drunk was our coach....They did not even fit right, and they didn't look like basketball players. Tight on the top and super loose on the bottom.

Nothing about those two years were right...

See below:
You can say the worst ones are the denims but that's only because they were ugly color, but still the worst "jerseys" we had were the ones from the the years the drunk was our coach....They did not even fit right, and they didn't look like basketball players. Tight on the top and super loose on the bottom.

Nothing about those two years were right...

See below:
God damn, those shorts made Hammer pants look like slim fit chinos.
i loved the last converse uniforms from 97. very classic looking with a bit of flash, perfect mix in my eyes.

Either these or the ones we were in 1995-96 before the denim jerseys are my favorite. Very clean with a traditional look.
Favorite is 2012

Worst is by far the ones referenced earlier in this thread that we wore during the BCG years.