What did the 5 fingers say to the face?


Jan 28, 2010
Slap!!! Wow ok it's G.O.A.T time here's bad television edition/ideas coming your way. Inspired by nbc and there new drama coming to tv. The premise? You guessed it a guy slaps somebody else's kid and they don't seem too happy about it. So in this 3 episode extravaganza the family will see him in court! But he has his payback planned. The all new action packed show called "the slap" other great ideas?

Kramer from Seinfeld spinoff as a detective.
The Michael j fox show(I loved back to the future 1,2 and 3 but they could only make so many jokes about his disease)
The gang bang theory-somebody explain to me what makes David from Roseanne funny. I really tried but I don't get its popularity.
Anything with Ashton kutcher
Anything Tom Arnold tries to screw his way into like Roseanne or my big redneck family
Party down south-thanks guys as if we're not already the white trash punchline a guy from ky has to steal the show.

There are some really bad shows and ideas that are out there. What comes to mind first? Past,present, or future.
The guy from KY on party down south might be the most normal person on the show.
Originally posted by Kooky Kats:
-- dude I'm telling you, that idea is pure gold
I weep for this country if a show called "The Slap" gets any ratings of note
Peter scarsguard is a decent actor I just don't understand what the hell would possess him to take on this train wreck. I could understand a movie or even a mini series but how in the hell do they plan to be successful with a series like that? Oh and here's another bad one that failed-I tried watching dads after 1.5 episodes I was done with the dad and pot jokes.
Originally posted by Wall2Boogie:
Peter scarsguard is a decent actor I just don't understand what the hell would possess him to take on this train wreck. I could understand a movie or even a mini series but how in the hell do they plan to be successful with a
It is a mini-series, moron.
I thought the whole premise sounded so stupid I had to look it up. It's evidently based off a hugely successful miniseries in Australia and how a family takes sides, lets secrets out, and generally disintegrates after "the slap".