What Color Does This Appear To You?

Originally posted by Kaizer Sosay:

Originally posted by GYERater:
so I obviously have world class ability to see colors.
I work at an architecture firm and during our "White Elephant" gift exchange a coworker asked someone to pass the present with the "red & green" wrapping paper.

It wasn't red or green and he was basically "outed" as color blind.

That's a tough row to hoe for a "designer" and had to be a dark day for him.

Christmas must be dismal for those people.
So bizarre. Saw white and gold this morning, then EVERYTHING went to blue and black. Started to think I was going a little batty.

Well, just opened up this thread on computer to do Joey's color test (was on phone earlier), and clear as day saw the white and gold again for a couple seconds. When page was loading, after picture at top of page shrunk a bit, went back to blue and black.

This is crazy.
Originally posted by Joey Rupption:
It depends on your screen calibration and your ability to intuitively "color correct" for a bad camera.

The dress is black and blue.

Here is a real color test that our graphics department passed around.

(For reference: I beat everyone and was the only person to score 100%)

Try it.
You (and others) would enjoy an iPhone game called "Blendoku."

I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but I got an 11.
Originally posted by Joey Rupption:

Here is a real color test that our graphics department passed around.
Good call. The Farnsworth F-100 is an excellent way to evaluate color vision. As it turns out, I'm a complete deuteranope (I am missing 100% of my middle-wavelength cones). My classmates used to have a lot of fun teasing me about my F-100 scores.

Another good test, probably the best test, for color vision is to use what's called an anomaloscope (here's an online version). However, these instruments cost a couple to a few thousand dollars and are usually only found in research settings.

Incidentally (and this is directed at no one in particular), very very few people are truly color-blind, in that they see no color whatsoever but only shades of grey (whether it's 50 or not depends on if they're into S&M). These poor folks are called rod-monochromats, and, since they are completely lacking cones (cones provide for not only color vision but also for acuity), they have severely reduced visual acuity as well. 99.9% of the population who are called (or call themselves) color-blind are actually color-deficient.

This post was edited on 2/27 11:53 AM by maverick1
Got a 41 on that test. I guess that's good for a 54 year old diabetic. This morning I saw black and blue. Now I see blue and gold. I will wait until tonite when I get some Hennessy in me and try again.
I was reading where, if you see white and gold, you literally have poop in your retinas.
Could it be that NONE of this has to do with the end-user's vision, but rather an intentional code/graphics card glitch and the perpetrators of this scam are trolling the everybody on the interwebs?
Also for reference, here's my test. This is how a complete deuteranope would arrange the colors. I "missed" a few -- i.e. got them out of sequence from what a perfectly wrong sequence would be -- prolly cause I was flying through it and also cause of my monitor settings. However, when I took the actual test in school under controlled conditions, I place every one perfectly wrong lol.


Originally posted by GYERater:
Dress was Gold/White for me yesterday and Black/Blue today. I have also taken the test Joey Rupption linked and scored 100% on it so I obviously have world class ability to see colors.
There has to be two images floating around - I've seen both and not one has magically "changed" from what I originally saw, but depending on who posts it and what site it's on, it's been either white/gold or blue and black. All in the same day.
Originally posted by Kooky Kats:
Could it be that NONE of this has to do with the end-user's vision, but rather an intentional code/graphics card glitch and the perpetrators of this scam are trolling the everybody on the interwebs?Yes, this is likely the case. Even the photo at the start of this thread has changed for me 4 times in 8 minutes, and not when I'm staring at it - only when I reload or come back to the page after reloading. It won't change if I scroll away and come back, nor does it change "right before my eyes".
Depends on ambient light, in a lot of cases. Last night in well lit room, white and gold. Today in a dark room, blue and black.

It doesn't matter on the light, it only matters if you're eyes are sh*t or not.

The results from my Online Color Challenge only reinforces that the dress is indeed black and blue:


Anyone that sees white and gold needs serious medical help. I'll pray to my porch light for you. Although you may be beyond help. You can still keep some dignity by ending yourself now.

This post was edited on 2/27 3:59 PM by Mime-Is-Money
Originally posted by Joey Rupption:
I didn't get a number. Mine just said, "You have perfect color vision!"
That's pretty impressive. Even folks with normal, excellent color vision will usually make at least one or two mistakes on a 100 answer test.
Originally posted by FutureCityCats:

28 on the test. So Joey, what does my score mean?

White and Gold. FCC.
That's what I got as well. It means we have pretty good color vision. Said the worst score was 1520 for my gender and age group.
My score was 4. I took me a while and I got tired of looking at it.
At first I saw gold/white. Later, after seeing another photo of the actual dress, it appeared to me as black/blue. It depends on how your mind adjusts to the strong backlit exposure, and how it compensates for the perceived colors in shadow.

The human eye can be easily fooled in determining brightness levels and colors when the mind makes unconscious inferences from the surroundings.

Here's a classic example. Most people don't believe the answer even when it is demonstrated!

Which square is darker? A or B? Pretty easy, huh. Answer in next message.

Both squares are the same shade. (Load the previous image in Photoshop and use the eyedropper tool to verify.) Here is an animated GIF removing the surrounding checkerboard and perceived shadowing.


Colors are also affected as shown below. Most see the disk on the darker square as brownish while the one on the lighter square is seen as orange. Both colors are actually the same.

On my laptop at home, it looks blue & black (or dark grey). On my screen at work, it appears nearly white & gold, but after looking at it for a while, it appears light blue & grey. Maybe an issue with screen settings or lighting conditions.
It's white & gold to me.
But, if I scroll down the page so that I can only see the bottom 1/3 of the picture then I see it blue & black.