So I wanted to make sure you all remember that I'm not able to post every mashup because of my job.
Sadly, I'm also not able to keep up with UK sports.
Aside from Krok leaving the team to be closer to home and a brand spanking new Yahtzee punter for 2016, I got nothin. I can't exactly research because of my time constraints, either.
This means I'm going to have short and sweet mashups if and when I can manage them, and they will be very open to discussion so that at least the fans have the ability to chime in and get the words out there where I cannot.
It would be awesome if JHB4UK, UKErik, and other message board personalities could carry the brunt of this request, but I'm definitely not holding anyone in specific to do anything they don't want to do.
That being said, let's get on with the mashup.
>Yahtzee! We have a new punter, Mac...McKinniss... For a time that one is going to mess with people.
>Josh Krok left the team, which really sucks because I honestly saw him starting later on in the season. Best of luck to him wherever he goes.
>If you haven't seen a new pic of the CWS field... Where have you been? If you don't like the new field, what's wrong with you?
>How are we feeling heading into the dog days of summer? Any word from coaches or players about how things are going?
>How big is the new stadium construction going to be for recruiting? I think it'll definitely help. Already seems to be doing so for 2016.
>How is progress on the new athletic building? I haven't been able to check it out prior to writing this.
>How are we judging the coaches and their mannerisms? Do we feel confident because they are confident, unsure because they are unsure, etc?
Mashup Question: Which position will round out the quickest in Stoops's next few years? Offensive Line or Cornrback? Why? Base this answer off of who we are bringing in and who those recruits will replace.
That's all I've got for today. Have a great weekend, everyone. Thank you all for being so understanding.
Go Big Blue!
Sadly, I'm also not able to keep up with UK sports.
Aside from Krok leaving the team to be closer to home and a brand spanking new Yahtzee punter for 2016, I got nothin. I can't exactly research because of my time constraints, either.
This means I'm going to have short and sweet mashups if and when I can manage them, and they will be very open to discussion so that at least the fans have the ability to chime in and get the words out there where I cannot.
It would be awesome if JHB4UK, UKErik, and other message board personalities could carry the brunt of this request, but I'm definitely not holding anyone in specific to do anything they don't want to do.
That being said, let's get on with the mashup.
>Yahtzee! We have a new punter, Mac...McKinniss... For a time that one is going to mess with people.
>Josh Krok left the team, which really sucks because I honestly saw him starting later on in the season. Best of luck to him wherever he goes.
>If you haven't seen a new pic of the CWS field... Where have you been? If you don't like the new field, what's wrong with you?
>How are we feeling heading into the dog days of summer? Any word from coaches or players about how things are going?
>How big is the new stadium construction going to be for recruiting? I think it'll definitely help. Already seems to be doing so for 2016.
>How is progress on the new athletic building? I haven't been able to check it out prior to writing this.
>How are we judging the coaches and their mannerisms? Do we feel confident because they are confident, unsure because they are unsure, etc?
Mashup Question: Which position will round out the quickest in Stoops's next few years? Offensive Line or Cornrback? Why? Base this answer off of who we are bringing in and who those recruits will replace.
That's all I've got for today. Have a great weekend, everyone. Thank you all for being so understanding.
Go Big Blue!