MdWIldcat55 All-American Dec 9, 2007 20,762 78,651 113 Jun 28, 2015 #1 ...Ulis was already the best guard on the court on either team. What intensity. Beautiful passing. And it was only about a month into his career.
...Ulis was already the best guard on the court on either team. What intensity. Beautiful passing. And it was only about a month into his career.
jrpross All-American Gold Member Feb 21, 2008 17,166 34,653 113 Sioux Falls, SD Jun 28, 2015 #2 Ulis made some passes last year that blew my mind. I can't wait to see him as a sophomore getting 30 minutes a game Reactions: ukfan041
Ulis made some passes last year that blew my mind. I can't wait to see him as a sophomore getting 30 minutes a game
Kybluedude All-SEC Nov 19, 2005 9,246 11,757 113 Jun 28, 2015 #3 Good to hear about Lee rebounding. That is an area I wonder about.... Will be able to get it off the backboards. This year's team had big bodies and offensive rebounding was s large portion of our offense.
Good to hear about Lee rebounding. That is an area I wonder about.... Will be able to get it off the backboards. This year's team had big bodies and offensive rebounding was s large portion of our offense.