As a long suffering Cleveland Brown’s fan, I saw them play (and get beat) at the Cincinnati. Bengals stadium yesterday. While it was another disappointing loss for the Brown’s, I was struck by the fan excitement generated by the stadium management. First, the sound system for the stadium is the best I’ve heard for an outdoor event. In particular, the music was crystal clear and definitely motivational for getting the fans enthused and expressive. The bass level of the music was sensorily all encompassing. The bass level of the music was thumping into your chest. The light show and digital messaging on the large TV screens and digital message boards which wrap around the interior of the stadium were also synched to the music. It was a fantastic fan experience. I kept thinking how great it would be if UK would emulate this experience. Our home field advantage would be enhanced. Has anyone been to the Bengals stadium or witnessed another football stadium‘s operations that UK should incorporate into Kroger Field?