Update on my mom and what's going on...


Apr 22, 2015
Hi to all of my Big Blue family. I haven't been on in a while because of taking care of my mom. On April 12, 2021, I posted a request for prayers for her and me as she was diagnosed with Leukemia. Well, she is hanging in there and is still getting the blood infusions regularly. As I said then, as long as her quality of life is decent, we will continue. She loves to work crossword puzzles and we go for car rides for peanut butter milkshakes, her favorite. My doggo, Willow, is giving her a reason to keep going. She loves the little girl and the feeling is mutual. Mom has her good days and bad ones and she gets tired easily. But she asked me the other day, "Isn't it about time for basketball to start?" I swear that was out of the blue. I told her the upcoming schedule and she said she was glad to be around for the start of another season. Wow! She is so sick but can't wait for the games to start.
This brings me to a problem we are having. I am a proud person, as is my mom, but I realize it's time to ask for help. So pride aside, here goes:

The medicines she has to have are extremely expensive. Even with the insurance. I am not able to work, both because of my own bad health and taking care of mom. We have used up savings to the point that we are now having to decide what to cut out each month. It is down to bare bones now and has been for a while. We can't let the power be turned off because she is on oxygen. And if the TV wasn't on to watch her true crime stories (she like to try to figure them out before the cops AND upcoming basketball, she would go crazy and give up, I think. We were doing okay until the medicine. It is again, EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE. I don't know how these drug companies can make people choose. (Just a personal rant there, sorry.) I didn't know what else to do, so I set up a Go Fund Me page.

She has 3 prescriptions she needs right now that we can't afford to get, even with insurance. Those three don't even include the big one that is a couple thousand a month. That's the big one that she really needs. But she needs them all. And I don't know what else to do as I have exhausted all other avenues. I have tried to keep these problems from her, because she doesn't need to worry about anything except her health. But she is realizing something is not right. I love my mom and want her to be comfortable for as long as she has possible. I would sell my soul if it would help (just kidding...I want to see dad again).

So I'm here asking for your help. I realize everyone has problems and these are tough times. I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't tried all other avenues. So if you can find it in your hearts to help, even a little, I would really appreciate it. If not, your continued prayers are appreciated. Thanks, Big Blue Nation. I love you all.

P.S. I forgot to put the link to the Go Fund Me page. Here it is:

If it doesn't work, then you can look it up under my name, Susan Armstrong, and her name, Lucy Armstrong. Thanks again. God Bless you all.
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Sorry to hear of your Mom's struggle and the difficulty you and your family are facing. Hopefully we have a great season to help keep her in good spirits!

Also, make sure to add your gofundme link!
Thanks. I forgot about the link and just went back and added it. That's how my mind is now. I forget so many things with everything that's going on that I keep a little notebook with me at all times so I don't forget things.

I am really looking forward to the upcoming season. For the fact that I think we have a really good group of guys AND my mom is still here to watch. She has been a fan since before I was born (I'm 62). She and dad had their third date to a game. Cool, huh?! Thanks again.
Hi to all of my Big Blue family. I haven't been on in a while because of taking care of my mom. On April 12, 2021, I posted a request for prayers for her and me as she was diagnosed with Leukemia. Well, she is hanging in there and is still getting the blood infusions regularly. As I said then, as long as her quality of life is decent, we will continue. She loves to work crossword puzzles and we go for car rides for peanut butter milkshakes, her favorite. My doggo, Willow, is giving her a reason to keep going. She loves the little girl and the feeling is mutual. Mom has her good days and bad ones and she gets tired easily. But she asked me the other day, "Isn't it about time for basketball to start?" I swear that was out of the blue. I told her the upcoming schedule and she said she was glad to be around for the start of another season. Wow! She is so sick but can't wait for the games to start.
This brings me to a problem we are having. I am a proud person, as is my mom, but I realize it's time to ask for help. So pride aside, here goes:

The medicines she has to have are extremely expensive. Even with the insurance. I am not able to work, both because of my own bad health and taking care of mom. We have used up savings to the point that we are now having to decide what to cut out each month. It is down to bare bones now and has been for a while. We can't let the power be turned off because she is on oxygen. And if the TV wasn't on to watch her true crime stories (she like to try to figure them out before the cops AND upcoming basketball, she would go crazy and give up, I think. We were doing okay until the medicine. It is again, EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE. I don't know how these drug companies can make people choose. (Just a personal rant there, sorry.) I didn't know what else to do, so I set up a Go Fund Me page.

She has 3 prescriptions she needs right now that we can't afford to get, even with insurance. Those three don't even include the big one that is a couple thousand a month. That's the big one that she really needs. But she needs them all. And I don't know what else to do as I have exhausted all other avenues. I have tried to keep these problems from her, because she doesn't need to worry about anything except her health. But she is realizing something is not right. I love my mom and want her to be comfortable for as long as she has possible. I would sell my soul if it would help (just kidding...I want to see dad again).

So I'm here asking for your help. I realize everyone has problems and these are tough times. I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't tried all other avenues. So if you can find it in your hearts to help, even a little, I would really appreciate it. If not, your continued prayers are appreciated. Thanks, Big Blue Nation. I love you all.

P.S. I forgot to put the link to the Go Fund Me page. Here it is:

If it doesn't work, then you can look it up under my name, Susan Armstrong, and her name, Lucy Armstrong. Thanks again. God Bless you all.
Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. I’d rather give to someone like you who needs it rather than a corporation who doesn’t need anymore money.
Praying that your mom recovers and that the treatment is successful. There are organizations that will pay medical expenses for those who are destitute or without a job. Check into the Leukemia Foundation and others for help.

The Lord is near to those who call on His Name🙏✝️...
Also I don’t know if you have tried but some companies have policies where if you can’t afford their medication they will help you get it for a reduced rate or free. It’s worth a few calls.
Thanks. I've called the companies that make the meds
she is taking. One had agreed to lower the cost and the others said no. I did that before I came on here.
Praying that your mom recovers and that the treatment is successful. There are organizations that will pay medical expenses for those who are destitute or without a job. Check into the Leukemia Foundation and others for help.

The Lord is near to those who call on His Name🙏✝️...
Thanks. I will look into that. I appreciate the info.
Just wanted to update everyone. I haven't been on here in a couple of days to thank you all because I had to take mom to the emergency room again and she stayed at the hospital a couple of nights. We just got home a little while ago. She fell and hit her head so they had to do a bunch of tests, etc. You know, the whole routine. Thanks again, everyone.
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Parents getting old just sucks. My dad had kidney surgery yesterday to remove a small tumor. My mom goes in tomorrow to see if her Keytruda treatment is working or not. Both have had multiple bouts of cancer and neither is 70 yet. I've spent a lot more time in the ER, ICU, etc in my 20's and 30's than I should have. Hang in there.
Thanks. I've called the companies that make the meds
she is taking. One had agreed to lower the cost and the others said no. I did that before I came on here.
That’s good at least one did. The others are obviously assholes. I hope you get enough help to get by longer. I will donate what I can when I get paid on the 1st.
Parents getting old just sucks. My dad had kidney surgery yesterday to remove a small tumor. My mom goes in tomorrow to see if her Keytruda treatment is working or not. Both have had multiple bouts of cancer and neither is 70 yet. I've spent a lot more time in the ER, ICU, etc in my 20's and 30's than I should have. Hang in there.
I feel very fortunate as both my parents, mom is 73 and my dad is 66 that they have both had decent health so far. Both are lifetime smokers and haven’t had many problems yet.
Hey fellow BBN fans! Just an update on mom. Thanks to your prayers and generous donations, she was able to have a treatment last Wednesday. It was supposed to be Thursday, but it takes her a day to recover and she was afraid she would miss the Friday game with Kentucky Wesleyan. Since that college is in Owensboro, she has been to some of their games. So she really wanted to watch. I called and move the treatment back a day to Wednesday, so could have Thursday to recover. Now that is a fan! She has Leukemia, but wants to make sure she can watch the game. In case you missed it and want to, the GoFundMe account was posted in my Oct 21 post. Thanks for everything including the contributions but also the many prayers. I tried to include a picture of mom getting ready to watch the game. I couldn't get it to post. (Don't know what I'm doing wrong but i will post as soon as I get it to post)! She ALWAYS wears that hat! Love her!! And you all! Go Big Blue Nation! We have the best fans in all of college sports!!
She sounds like my Mom (she passed in Jan. 2020 98 years old). Mom did not want to miss any of the games and if it was on late I would record them for her. Prayers for you and your Mom. Being a care giver is hard but you do it because you love them. Please keep us informed. God Bless !
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Hey fellow BBN fans! Just an update on mom. Thanks to your prayers and generous donations, she was able to have a treatment last Wednesday. It was supposed to be Thursday, but it takes her a day to recover and she was afraid she would miss the Friday game with Kentucky Wesleyan. Since that college is in Owensboro, she has been to some of their games. So she really wanted to watch. I called and move the treatment back a day to Wednesday, so could have Thursday to recover. Now that is a fan! She has Leukemia, but wants to make sure she can watch the game. In case you missed it and want to, the GoFundMe account was posted in my Oct 21 post. Thanks for everything including the contributions but also the many prayers. I tried to include a picture of mom getting ready to watch the game. I couldn't get it to post. (Don't know what I'm doing wrong but i will post as soon as I get it to post)! She ALWAYS wears that hat! Love her!! And you all! Go Big Blue Nation! We have the best fans in all of college sports!!
That is so great to hear
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Just want to offer a suggestion you probably have already tried. Approach the pharmacy and tell them explicitly you are struggling to meet the cost. Call the drug company and tell them about your situation. Sometimes these places have programs to help. Contact the American Cancer Society and any Leukemia focused organizations. They may have or may know of assistance sources that extend beyond drugs. Also study your insurance to make sure you understand the deductibles and yearly maximums so you know that you are getting the benefits you are due.

Best of luck dealing with this. I know healthcare costs are daunting.
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Just want to offer a suggestion you probably have already tried. Approach the pharmacy and tell them explicitly you are struggling to meet the cost. Call the drug company and tell them about your situation. Sometimes these places have programs to help. Contact the American Cancer Society and any Leukemia focused organizations. They may have or may know of assistance sources that extend beyond drugs. Also study your insurance to make sure you understand the deductibles and yearly maximums so you know that you are getting the benefits you are due.

Best of luck dealing with this. I know healthcare costs are daunting.
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I appreciate the suggestions and thoughts. I have tried everything. One company did lower the cost a little bit, but compared to the high cost, it didn't help that much. Some said they would look into it but it would take some time. I bug them all the time on the phone. Believe me, the GoFundMe account was a last resort. I am almost at the end of my rope. We have to have the meds as well as.power for oxygen, etc. I have tried to pick between things but what do you not do? Sorry if I am rambling. If we can just get through the treatments then things will look up. She has never been sick a day in her life until this. The drs said she is strong and could have several good years left at 93! But she won't if I don't figure something out. Thanks again for your thoughts, prayers and suggestions. God Bless!!