UNCheat Offers Bridges, Now Alkins

Nothing to see here guys. It was the doggone girls team that was the problem! Our team will not face any sanctions!

They've just offered Fultz as well. Looks like they are olliwing after UK offering the same guys. I guess they figure we can't get them all. Pretty sure they're after Simmons too.
In their dreams IMO as long as this thing continues to play out and continue to give Roy ulcers.
Roy's losing his ability to evaluate. He looks at who Cal offers, offers them too and he's willing to pick up the crumbs after Cal picks his final few.
The UNC*** natives (Fans, BOT, BOG) are getting restless . Roy hadn't been offering the big time players. They want to look like there is no problem and they are still a major player in college basketball. This may have been planned to go along with their PR campaign or Roy started getting scared.
As surprising as it is to say this, UNC just doesn't concern me on the recruiting trail anymore.
IU gots rawle alkins wrapped up yall
Not worried about recruiting against them. This isn't 2004-2010 when they were landing everyone while we landed no one.
About as believable as Indiana winning another championship,, ever.. What is it? 3 NCAA tourney appearances in past 7 years now?
It's as believable as IU getting a CBI invitation with 2 5* recruits on the starting roster ... oh wait, that actually happened. Nevermind, carry on.