UNCheat AD: "very comfortable with our coaches and their leadership of the programs,"


Jan 3, 2007
Down by the river
Cunningham said he feels "very comfortable with our coaches and their leadership of the programs," evidenced by last week's announcement of Williams' contract extension through 2020.

"I think as a collective university, the chancellor has said it the best: The issues we are suffering from were the actions of a few and the inaction of many," Cunningham said. "I don't think you need to separate out who anyone is referring to because it's an institutional problem, an institutional challenge that we've all been wrestling with."

This is the face right now with the athletic dept at UNC. This sounds like a skit from SNL callled "really"

In related news: ncaa-slaps-unc-greensboro-2-years-probation-violations

From that story: " The sports involved were men's basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, wrestling and both soccer, golf, track/cross-country and tennis programs.

School officials said the violations were inadvertent and most involved athletes not registering with the NCAA's eligibility center, not completing an amateurism certification questionnaire, not requesting certification for their specific sport, not submitting transcripts or test scores to the eligibility center or not requesting final amateurism certification.

Acting chancellor Dana Dunn said in a statement that "at no time were any student-athletes admitted to UNCG improperly" and that "the NCAA has agreed that these violations did not constitute unethical conduct."

Preventive damage control by the NCAA ? : proposal-seeks-tougher-ncaa-academic-integrity-policies

" The proposal defines impermissible academic assistance as "substantial academic assistance" to athletes "not generally available to the school's students" or not authorized by other Division I rules.

It also rules out "creating an academic exception" for an athlete to improve a grade, earn credit or meet a graduation requirement."
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Fans from all university will have see if University of North Carolina can control The NCAA.
Bubba think they can!!
The worst cheaters in the history of college basketball--unccheaters and woodencheater.

The "WORST of the WORST"

[QUOTE="Xception, post: 1860534, member: 6362"]When there's a mass murderer does a momma not get on tv saying what a good boy he was .[/QUOTE]
And he never, ever told a lie either, like Ole Roy.:rolleyes:
Just proves UNCheat is only going to put a bandaid on this until it all blows over and then back to doing whatever it takes to win. The NCAA knows this, but don't care.

Roy knew what was going on. He would pat himself on the back giving speeches about how he values and monitors each players academics. Then when it blows up in his face, he goes all Sgt. Shultz and says, "I know nothing".

What a joke.
what's the biggest secondary scandal within the overall conglomerate? that roy doesn't know anything? or that this lasted only 20 years?

no one is going to care what they say until they clean house.
I think their problems are buried deeper in the sand than their fans heads.
Tight race ... Have you seen the idiots over at THR? They don't know nothin bout no NCAA investigation. Won't even find a thread up about it.
I would be too embarrassed to admit that I was a UNC fan if I were. How many more stupid and embarrassing things does Roy have to do?

1) Ejects a Presbyterian kid for basically nothing.

2) Leaves subs on floor for court storming to protect his main players. So much for t-e-a-m.

3) Keeps PJ on bench despite violations and stupid, idiotic actions that continue after suspension.

4) Lies about what he knows in academic scandal.

5) Tries to honor Dean Smyth with 4 corners and basically bombs out. Seriously, is Roy that clueless?
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UNC fans should feel betrayed and be angry but they don't , they mirror the school in that as long as people will believe their lies about who they are then that is more than fine with them . It's a stark contrast in who they pretended to be all these years , they wish to be admired at any cost . I will speculate that stereotypes is the driving force behind their insatiable desire to be adored , to the point that they will sacrifice anything to receive it .

They run from being southern and being considered bumpkins or other northern born derogatory terms . Honestly it's pathetic to watch them forgo all good attributes in order to obtain a false image just to be liked . Besides that they have stolen from college basketball , their banners represent theft .
The entire NCAA system is dependent upon a given university actually caring about being a university. When you have an abomination like UNC where they entire system even including those outside the university (law enforcement, legal, political) are to blame then the NCAA just isn't equipped to handle that. UNC clearly has not been alarmed in the slightest by what they've done. They incredibly have not just been willing but EAGER to throw the academic reputation of their university under the bus in order to save athletics, and they are more than willing to allow the same cast of miscreants that perpetuated this fraud to remain in place in key positions while throwing women and minorities under the bus to explain it all away.

The only thing meaningful that the NCAA can do is give them the death penalty which could hopefully spark the kind of change needed for what went massively wrong there. Half measures will not cut it. The same folks will create a new even more insideous cheating scheme if the NCAA does not hammer them into ashes.

Any other university would have sacked the coach and everyone up the entire chain in a heartbeat for this type of thing because they would have been blindsided. But when the entire program including the BOT and BOG are deeply involved then there is no outrage because they are the ones that did it.
The best thing about all of this is no matter how much UNCheat fans try and act like they did nothing wrong, you can tell in their voice and in their messages that they know they did! Now and forever when people speak of "The Carolina Way" cheating is the first thing to come to mind. That alone is good enough for me. UNCheat fans can no longer scream "We do it the right way". I honestly use to think UL fans was the dumbest fan base around but UNCheat fans have taking claim to that prize. How can you have classes made just to keep athletes grades high enough to stay eligible for sports and scream its not an athletic problem lol??? They know how stupid they sound and they don't care. They are the dirtiest program ever and everyone knows it!!!
Preacher, don't forget he was letting a former player deal drugs out of one of his houses.
The entire NCAA system is dependent upon a given university actually caring about being a university. When you have an abomination like UNC where they entire system even including those outside the university (law enforcement, legal, political) are to blame then the NCAA just isn't equipped to handle that. UNC clearly has not been alarmed in the slightest by what they've done. They incredibly have not just been willing but EAGER to throw the academic reputation of their university under the bus in order to save athletics, and they are more than willing to allow the same cast of miscreants that perpetuated this fraud to remain in place in key positions while throwing women and minorities under the bus to explain it all away.

The only thing meaningful that the NCAA can do is give them the death penalty which could hopefully spark the kind of change needed for what went massively wrong there. Half measures will not cut it. The same folks will create a new even more insideous cheating scheme if the NCAA does not hammer them into ashes.

Any other university would have sacked the coach and everyone up the entire chain in a heartbeat for this type of thing because they would have been blindsided. But when the entire program including the BOT and BOG are deeply involved then there is no outrage because they are the ones that did it.
The NCAA is being made a mockery of by UNC and it's the NCAA's own fault.

UNC has given them every reason to shut them down and is laughing in their face!!

The NCAA doesn't have to be equipped to reform UNC.

All they need to do is say "we can't make you clean up your mess, but we can ban you from playing sports until you do"...

We all know that this won't happen because the NCAA is dirtier than UNC and they are one in the same.
When you are satisfied being known as the dirtiest program in America it is easy being satisfied with their leadership.
What hogwash coming out of Bubba's mouth.

I think I'd be embarrassed if that was my school. Totally incompetent is setting a standard at UNC,

Boeheim didn't know anything either, other than he is in TOTAL control of everything Syracuse.

So the sacrificial lamb in all this is going to be UNC-Greenboro? How convenient for Roy and Bubba.