Cunningham said he feels "very comfortable with our coaches and their leadership of the programs," evidenced by last week's announcement of Williams' contract extension through 2020.
"I think as a collective university, the chancellor has said it the best: The issues we are suffering from were the actions of a few and the inaction of many," Cunningham said. "I don't think you need to separate out who anyone is referring to because it's an institutional problem, an institutional challenge that we've all been wrestling with."
This is the face right now with the athletic dept at UNC. This sounds like a skit from SNL callled "really"
In related news: ncaa-slaps-unc-greensboro-2-years-probation-violations
From that story: " The sports involved were men's basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, wrestling and both soccer, golf, track/cross-country and tennis programs.
School officials said the violations were inadvertent and most involved athletes not registering with the NCAA's eligibility center, not completing an amateurism certification questionnaire, not requesting certification for their specific sport, not submitting transcripts or test scores to the eligibility center or not requesting final amateurism certification.
Acting chancellor Dana Dunn said in a statement that "at no time were any student-athletes admitted to UNCG improperly" and that "the NCAA has agreed that these violations did not constitute unethical conduct."
Preventive damage control by the NCAA ? : proposal-seeks-tougher-ncaa-academic-integrity-policies
" The proposal defines impermissible academic assistance as "substantial academic assistance" to athletes "not generally available to the school's students" or not authorized by other Division I rules.
It also rules out "creating an academic exception" for an athlete to improve a grade, earn credit or meet a graduation requirement."
"I think as a collective university, the chancellor has said it the best: The issues we are suffering from were the actions of a few and the inaction of many," Cunningham said. "I don't think you need to separate out who anyone is referring to because it's an institutional problem, an institutional challenge that we've all been wrestling with."
This is the face right now with the athletic dept at UNC. This sounds like a skit from SNL callled "really"
In related news: ncaa-slaps-unc-greensboro-2-years-probation-violations
From that story: " The sports involved were men's basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, wrestling and both soccer, golf, track/cross-country and tennis programs.
School officials said the violations were inadvertent and most involved athletes not registering with the NCAA's eligibility center, not completing an amateurism certification questionnaire, not requesting certification for their specific sport, not submitting transcripts or test scores to the eligibility center or not requesting final amateurism certification.
Acting chancellor Dana Dunn said in a statement that "at no time were any student-athletes admitted to UNCG improperly" and that "the NCAA has agreed that these violations did not constitute unethical conduct."
Preventive damage control by the NCAA ? : proposal-seeks-tougher-ncaa-academic-integrity-policies
" The proposal defines impermissible academic assistance as "substantial academic assistance" to athletes "not generally available to the school's students" or not authorized by other Division I rules.
It also rules out "creating an academic exception" for an athlete to improve a grade, earn credit or meet a graduation requirement."
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