UNC will be glad for this.

Splendid. Looks like they are looking for a way to spread the punishment in order to make a statement.
The NCAA has turned into a joke. They now need to cover UNC's screw up in this broader investigation so that it appears to be a chronic problem across multiple institutions.

Can't punish them all now so just pass new rules that make sure that the next school that gets caught is screwed to the wall.

Each case is weighed on its own merits, like dudes this is not a class action. It's a valid claim against UNCheat and its fraudulent academic/athletic House of Pancakes

What are they, the NCAA, trying to do?

Point out that they, the NCAA, are FULLY IN-COMPETENT!?!?!?! That this crap has been going on without their interference EVERYWHERE???

Hell, this looks worse for the bozos in Indy than the schools

At least the schools aren't being paid BILLIONS to keep the sport clean and above competitive doubt

Next thing we know it'll be an email blast about under-inflated basketballs worldwide

Originally posted by jman3715:

The NCAA has turned into a joke. They now need to cover UNC's screw up in this broader investigation so that it appears to be a chronic problem across multiple institutions.

Can't punish them all now so just pass new rules that make sure that the next school that gets caught is screwed to the wall.
I totally agree. A major cover-up to draw attention from Carolina Cheats. Emmert will see to this.
We only know that LilBro isnt one of the schools involved. The NCAA would never go there in search of actual academics. That would be like going to the desert to find a lake or to Tennessee to find a pretty woman.
In former centuries a characterization for the lowest forms of judicial process was created and has often been applied to discredit the most egregious investigative processes.

The NCAA is officially on a Witch Hunt.