UNC*** fans reveal true colors

You have to save the Golden Goose, even if it means throwing the book at lesser sports. Those cheating women!! :angry:
This 20 years of cheating by UNC is all up to The NCAA to punish them. Will they have balls to do it?
Thank goodness the NCAA finally straightened this out and didn't let a few academic rogues and the women's basketball program bring the whole school down.[winking]
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LOL. That dog won't hunt. You don't set up a phony academic department and maintain it for 20 years for the care and feeding of girl's basketball. Back in the mid-1990s when this thing got rolling the Lady Heels probably were drawing about 300 people a game.

You set this up and maintain it for the Julius Peppers and Rashad McCants of the world, and the entire 2005 team.

Maybe there was a time when UNC-CHeats could have wrapped this around some sacrificial women and dumped them overboard but the world has gotten far too politically correct for that. The NCAA knows better.
That's right!
Women's sports don't generate much revenue so there's no way that they'd go to this much trouble, and put the school's reputation at risk to create a competitive advantage in women's basketball.
The NCAA is under a microscope right now and it's very existence SHOULD be at stake IMO based on how they handle this.
I read that Southern Miss and Tyndall are being charged with arranging fraudulent academic credit, among other charges. Isn't this the same as what UNC did? In the UNC charges, they word it to where it doesn't sound nearly this severe.

I hope I'm wrong, but I'll be really surprised if the UNC mens team gets more than a slap on the wrist. Maybe lose a scholarship, recruiting restrictions, but no titles vacated and no post season bans.
I read that Southern Miss and Tyndall are being charged with arranging fraudulent academic credit, among other charges. Isn't this the same as what UNC did? In the UNC charges, they word it to where it doesn't sound nearly this severe.

I hope I'm wrong, but I'll be really surprised if the UNC mens team gets more than a slap on the wrist. Maybe lose a scholarship, recruiting restrictions, but no titles vacated and no post season bans.

If UNC just get a slap on wrist then the NCAA need to be Vacated and banned for ever.
A duke fan talking about a cheating program getting away with it. Definition of irony.

I am going to disagree respectfully with you on this. While I think Duke isn't completely 100% clean (Maggette, Thomas, Duhon), I just can't even come close to putting them in the same category with UNC.
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I read that Southern Miss and Tyndall are being charged with arranging fraudulent academic credit, among other charges. Isn't this the same as what UNC did? In the UNC charges, they word it to where it doesn't sound nearly this severe.

I hope I'm wrong, but I'll be really surprised if the UNC mens team gets more than a slap on the wrist. Maybe lose a scholarship, recruiting restrictions, but no titles vacated and no post season bans.

Anything less than that 2005 NC Banner coming down*... is a slap on the wrist, IMO. That particular team was all-in with the AFAM Scam. Without the fake classes, UNCheat would've had 5 water boys starting every game.

(*For the record: I don't think it will happen, either.)
I am going to disagree respectfully with you on this. While I think Duke isn't completely 100% clean (Maggette, Thomas, Duhon), I just can't even come close to putting them in the same category with UNC.

Oh I agree. UNC is tier 1 of cheating Richard's. Duke is tier 2.
I am going to disagree respectfully with you on this. While I think Duke isn't completely 100% clean (Maggette, Thomas, Duhon), I just can't even come close to putting them in the same category with UNC.

I'm going to go with what preacherfan said too. Besides, why cheat when you're playing 8 v 5 every game anyway?
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I am going to disagree respectfully with you on this. While I think Duke isn't completely 100% clean (Maggette, Thomas, Duhon), I just can't even come close to putting them in the same category with UNC.

It's not the same kind (sham academics) of UNCheating, or a many-years scheme like UNCheating...

but dook did cheat in the cases you mentioned... and they did get away with it.
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I am ever optimistic that the men's team and good ole' Roy will get hit with some sort of punishment. I do not think that banners will come down, but scholarship reductions and a post season ban are certainly possible.
Hi everybody. I really want to wish all of you PEACE & HAPPINESS. S M I L E !

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you find UNC*** trying to pin their 20 year cheating scheme which denied many minority athletes an education on their women's basketball disgusting?
Do you find UNC*** trying to pin their 20 year cheating scheme which denied many minority athletes an education on their women's basketball disgusting?
Hi martinsm30. My friend, what ever happens to UNC will just happen, and life will continue. The hatred shown by the UK fan base saddens me. I will continue to support my TAR HEELS for better or worse. I would like to see the UK fan base show more of their SPIRIT toward their great bb team and history. I wish you have a great season this year. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi martinsm30. My friend, what ever happens to UNC will just happen, and life will continue. The hatred shown by the UK fan base saddens me. I will continue to support my TAR HEELS for better or worse. I would like to see the UK fan base show more of their SPIRIT toward their great bb team and history. I wish you have a great season this year. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, we are happy, happy, happy. It is always a good day when evil is exposed and punished. Yep, we hate evil and for that you have a problem? You should be calling for UNC to come clean instead of hanging out on a UK board.
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Dude, we are happy, happy, happy. It is always a good day when evil is exposed and punished. Yep, we hate evil and for that you have a problem? You should be calling for UNC to come clean instead of hanging out on a UK board.
Dude, we are happy, happy, happy. It is always a good day when evil is exposed and punished. Yep, we hate evil and for that you have a problem? You should be calling for UNC to come clean instead of hanging out on a UK board.
Hi preacherfan. My friend we all live in a world of imperfect people and situations, how we deal with these sitations, GOD has given us free will to deal with it. I wish to express PEACE & HAPPINESS. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi martinsm30. My friend, what ever happens to UNC will just happen, and life will continue. The hatred shown by the UK fan base saddens me. I will continue to support my TAR HEELS for better or worse. I would like to see the UK fan base show more of their SPIRIT toward their great bb team and history. I wish you have a great season this year. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes or no to my question. Very simple.

Hi preacherfan. My friend we all live in a world of imperfect people and situations, how we deal with these sitations, GOD has given us free will to deal with it. I wish to express PEACE & HAPPINESS. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, this isn't about being imperfect. This is about Dean and Roy exploiting young black men to make millions and then bragging about how they cared so much for them. Yeah, we want peace and happiness too but from doing right, not from cheating, lying and destroying lives. Peace and happiness only come from bring right. Roy is not a happy peaceful man these days. He has admitted that part.
Yes or no to my question. Very simple.
My friend, It saddens me that this happen at my great university. How its been handle at this time just does not concern me ( I'am just a simple minded red neck from Dunn N. C. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everybody. I really want to wish all of you PEACE & HAPPINESS. S M I L E !

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I smile every time I read another article detailing the 20 years of cheating or see another UNC fan claiming mens' basketball wasn't involved.
Dude, this isn't about being imperfect. This is about Dean and Roy exploiting young black men to make millions and then bragging about how they cared so much for them. Yeah, we want peace and happiness too but from doing right, not from cheating, lying and destroying lives. Peace and happiness only come from bring right. Roy is not a happy peaceful man these days. He has admitted that part.
I wish you P E A C E my friend.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, this isn't about being imperfect. This is about Dean and Roy exploiting young black men to make millions and then bragging about how they cared so much for them. Yeah, we want peace and happiness too but from doing right, not from cheating, lying and destroying lives. Peace and happiness only come from bring right. Roy is not a happy peaceful man these days. He has admitted that part.
I think this Shun person has no sense of right and wrong.
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My friend, It saddens me that this happen at my great university. How its been handle at this time just does not concern me ( I'am just a simple minded red neck from Dunn N. C. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this shows you do not care about anything but your basketball team which is just pathetic.
I think this person has no sense of right and wrong.
martinsm30, with the help of GOD, to accept what happens in life, right or wrong, to go on with my life thanking GOD for the good health & welfare of the ones I love, and I wish the same for you my friend. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
martinsm30, with the help of GOD, to accept what happens in life, right or wrong, to go on with my life thanking GOD for the good health & welfare of the ones I love, and I wish the same for you my friend. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karma got Dean Smyth. Ironic that he lived a lie and then finished his life unable to remember anything. It was truly sad but karma got him in the end.
martinsm30, with the help of GOD, to accept what happens in life, right or wrong, to go on with my life thanking GOD for the good health & welfare of the ones I love, and I wish the same for you my friend. S M I L E

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You add nothing to this conversation. UNC*** cheated for 20 years and should pay for its cheating. You are a fan of a team that cheated many minorities of an education and now wishes to have its women's team take the fall. A belief in God does not change that. You can pretend that what UNC*** has done is nothing but that does not make it so.
There is zero defense for what UNC and the people of North Carolina have perpetrated . S M I L E may just be the only thing left to do , pretend it's all okay . What a pitiful people you are .
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There is zero defense for what UNC and the people of North Carolina have perpetrated . S M I L E may just be the only thing left to do , pretend it's all okay . What a pitiful people you are .
To all UK fans. you can choose to go through life with hate, or with a smile on your face. You have free will to do as you wish. I truly wish you happiness. GOOD-BYE

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all UK fans. you can choose to go through life with hate, or with a smile on your face. You have free will to do as you wish. I truly wish you happiness. GOOD-BYE

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all UNC fans this UK fan would like to see justice done as it was done to Miami, Minnesota, UCONN, Georgia, USC and many others. If justice isn't done then the NCAA has no reason for its existence.
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To all UK fans. you can choose to go through life with hate, or with a smile on your face. You have free will to do as you wish. I truly wish you happiness. GOOD-BYE

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most don't hate you or your kind , we just don't respect you anymore because you refuse to accept responsibility for something that is not an accident but a willfully concocted scam . Keep S M I L I N G like an imbecile if you have nothing left to sacrifice and prep your O H , S H I T face in the meantime .
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