UL and Tennessee among the highest in nation for paying players (legally)


May 29, 2001
UT leads the country at $5666, UL 3rd most at $5202

Our beloved UK? Ugly. $2284.

This is supposed to be calculated money that a player would need in order to live a normal life in the community he is living during college to support a regular college student life. Want to know how ludicrous UT & UL's number's are? To live a 'normal' life in Knoxville or Louisville they calculated to be over $5 live in Los Angeles and attend Southern Cal?


What a GD joke, and so predictable. Only NCAA morons would be surprised that if you allow unregulated unchecked cash to buy players, that it would result in the typical unethical criminal schools would pay out unreasonable amounts.

This post was edited on 4/10 4:49 PM by JHB4UK

Straight unregulated unjustified cash for recruits
So the full cost of attendance scholarship would logically be tied to cost of living. And the highest amounts being paid are to kids living in STARKVILLE, AUBURN, Knoxville, and Louisville? Unbelievable that the NCAA would allow such latitude for interpretation/abuse, but so frigging predictable at the same time.

Is there any doubt this will create an advantage in recruiting? An extra $2,000 or so is a lot of money to most of these kids. Looks like UK Compliance, as usual, takes a hyper-conservative approach on this issue, and will tie one hand behind the back of its coaches. Like when they would pretty much threaten to waterboard any reporter who wanted to report on football camps, or publicly hang any reporter who takes a picture of a kid on campus while on a visit.
Auburn came in second to UT, couple hundred behind. Athens, Georgia, cheapest town in the SEC to live in, UGA paying a little over 1700. Of course UT and AU would be the most expensive. I don't really know the formula for determining the totals, but seems like trips home was factored into the total, UGA by having so many instate kids is not exactly being punished but at a disadvantage with figuring the totals to be paid out.
This will play out and schools will adjust as needed and they can afford. UL is a good position to offer in the high in because they now have ACC TV money which is about 15 mil more per year than BE money.
Originally posted by ville 77:

This will play out and schools will adjust as needed and they can afford. UL is a good position to offer in the high in because they now have ACC TV money which is about 15 mil more per year than BE money.
plus they get to count bail money as an expense at ul and ut!
Originally posted by ville 77:

This will play out and schools will adjust as needed and they can afford. UL is a good position to offer in the high in because they now have ACC TV money which is about 15 mil more per year than BE money.
Schools can't just randomly pick a number to pay, there is suppose to be a formula in place for them to follow. Travel back home is one of the variables that is suppose to be used, cost of living in that town. A school can't just say we are going to pay 5k. If that was the case the rich schools like Stanford with multi Billion dollar endowments would just offer more than anyone else could. As nationwide as Stanford recruits I imagain theirs is pretty high, but then again kids who can get in there are not as likely to be bought. Just another blow to college athletics.
Try eating at Calhoun's a couple nights a week. That chit gets expensive. I see why UT and Knoxville area is paid more, or if you go to the Old Town area or Copper Cellar close to campus.
I live in Knoxville, have a mortgage, a kid and stay at home wife and bring in just a little more that per month and live just fine.

Giving a college kid here that amount of money is absurd, good grief
As I predicted in the thread about this when it first came out, the NCAA opened a can of worms and as expected the cheaters are taking full advantage.

Brace yourself, citizens of Lexington, there is going to be a mass migration from Louisville to Lexington, I expect Louisville to be a ghost town as soon as the word gets out. Helll, it isn't that far to commute to work.

I wonder if they figured in the perks like not having cover charges at your favorite night club in Knoxville, of course everyone knows Knoxville is known as the New York of the south.
Originally posted by ville 77:

This will play out and schools will adjust as needed and they can afford. UL is a good position to offer in the high in because they now have ACC TV money which is about 15 mil more per year than BE money.
The more you post, the more apparent it becomes that you're just not a very intelligent human being.
I'm an accountant, and know better than most an unethical organization can cook books to make numbers say what is needed. Why this deal was agreed to while leaving it in the hands of sleazy places that would hire the Clint Hurtts of the college world is beyond me. Should have been conference commissioners to assign reasonable amounts to members.
Originally posted by Grumpyolddawg:

Originally posted by ville 77:

This will play out and schools will adjust as needed and they can afford. UL is a good position to offer in the high in because they now have ACC TV money which is about 15 mil more per year than BE money.
Schools can't just randomly pick a number to pay, there is suppose to be a formula in place for them to follow. Travel back home is one of the variables that is suppose to be used, cost of living in that town. A school can't just say we are going to pay 5k. If that was the case the rich schools like Stanford with multi Billion dollar endowments would just offer more than anyone else could. As nationwide as Stanford recruits I imagain theirs is pretty high, but then again kids who can get in there are not as likely to be bought. Just another blow to college athletics.
you have to remember that ul fans have convinced themselves that they are the richest team in sports. they were listed as #1 in a magazine a few years back and we've had to hear all about it every time money comes up. they dont seem to understand or care about how accounting is done and how that affects what is shown. they dont seem to realize that rich athletic dept's dont fleece their students, university and cities. ohio state's athletic dept gave $8 million to the school... ul's school game $2 million to the athletic dept and ul showed that as "income".
Originally posted by JHB4UK:
I'm an accountant, and know better than most an unethical organization can cook books to make numbers say what is needed. Why this deal was agreed to while leaving it in the hands of sleazy places that would hire the Clint Hurtts of the college world is beyond me. Should have been conference commissioners to assign reasonable amounts to members.

Excellent post, but why are you still capitalizing hurtt's name, doesn't that show some sigh of respect (not earned) for him?
Originally posted by hmt5000:

Originally posted by Grumpyolddawg:

Originally posted by ville 77:

This will play out and schools will adjust as needed and they can afford. UL is a good position to offer in the high in because they now have ACC TV money which is about 15 mil more per year than BE money.
Schools can't just randomly pick a number to pay, there is suppose to be a formula in place for them to follow. Travel back home is one of the variables that is suppose to be used, cost of living in that town. A school can't just say we are going to pay 5k. If that was the case the rich schools like Stanford with multi Billion dollar endowments would just offer more than anyone else could. As nationwide as Stanford recruits I imagain theirs is pretty high, but then again kids who can get in there are not as likely to be bought. Just another blow to college athletics.
you have to remember that ul fans have convinced themselves that they are the richest team in sports. they were listed as #1 in a magazine a few years back and we've had to hear all about it every time money comes up. they dont seem to understand or care about how accounting is done and how that affects what is shown. they dont seem to realize that rich athletic dept's dont fleece their students, university and cities. ohio state's athletic dept gave $8 million to the school... ul's school game $2 million to the athletic dept and ul showed that as "income".
I really don't know much about their financial situation other than Papa John's supports them quite a bit. I don't know what their endowment actually is. But a fairly new and small school not known for putting out academic over achievers so I doubt many alumni have contributed very much other than a take out pizza change. Stanford on the other hand is free tuition and books if parents make less than 100k if they make less than 75k its free tuition, text books, plus room and board. Of course they accept about 1% of applicants of the 45k or so they get per year. Over half of their incoming frosh enjoy the free education, the trick is getting accepted. I don't remember seeing Louisville in the top 100 of rich colleges, it would require quite a bit of heart burn across America for them to make the list.