UK's Isaiah Briscoe and UL's Donovan Mitchell Beefing.

Glad to have a guy with some edge to him.

Not worried about Louisville at all.
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This thread exposed a couple of trolls, didn't it. LOL.
Research shows that UL students are considered to be in the top 5 dumbest people who have graduated college in America.

Sometimes they float to #1 and sometimes they will drop to #5. But make no mistake about it, they are consistently stupid.

To think, there are some that never graduate that clown school.
To think, there are some that never graduate that clown school.
Well, actually the study figured that in too, but had to note it in their "Limitations" section because of the sheer number of UL students who are too stupid to get past their Freshman year.
Explains all of those Louisville basketball posters that had "If we can do it, you can too!", with the team photos on them. They're talking about making it past freshman year! All makes sense now.
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Yeah. It isn't that surprising. I'd say it's fairly common for a 17-18 year old.

I had a 3.9 in high school and it wasn't until my first year of college that I fully grasped the difference between then/than. I'm sure it was explained in 3rd grade but I don't recall it.

And look around on facebook or Twitter. Most highschool students don't know the difference between there/they're/their or your/you're. But they'll probably figure it out in college when they have better teachers and actually have to put a little more work in.
He deserves trashing, because he is almost an adult and doesn't have a grasp of simple parts of speech.

Grasping it and not knowing the name for it are two entirely different thing. I have little doubt that he knows how to properly use adjectives when speaking. It's incredibly basic, but he may simply not know what those words are called, or he could have simply been joking. Who knows.
The English language isn't exactly known for convenience, with the rules for the language and the different things that can be applied to it.
If I were a betting man, I would wager that you, and hundreds of thousands of other Americans don't know what an onomatopoeia actually is, other than a word that is difficult to spell for some.
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Some people really love trashing our own players.

Too late for some of the idiots on here. They can't wait to paint Briscoe as a thug and a punk because he's a big time gamer that rises to the moment and talks trash on the court. They are the same ones that cried about how Terrence Jones "flexing" was trashy after Dick Vitale got up in arms over it during the Kansas game from 2011-12 regular season drubbing. There was nothing for them to complain about with the outcome of the game, so they had to invent something to be upset about with Jones' "attitude"
Briscoe seems like a dude you'd love to have on your team, but absolutely hate if he was playing against you. I'm glad we have him. I'm pumped to see him and Ulis running the backcourt, talk about a fearless combo.
Briscoe seems like a dude you'd love to have on your team, but absolutely hate if he was playing against you. I'm glad we have him. I'm pumped to see him and Ulis running the backcourt, talk about a fearless combo.

It'll definitely be fun to watch. Two very electric point guards, who can both take advantage of matchups and score constantly with their ball handling and speed (in the case of Ulis) or strength and size (in the case of Briscoe). Both can shoot well, both are natural facilitators, and can make crafty passes, and both play very hard.
I'm going to love watching our backcourt next season. I think we'll have a terrific team.
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I'm willing to bet that 90% of the people here can't deconstruct the basic sentence structure to the English language.

Simple things that come naturally to us are easily overlooked.
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Subtle little troll, isn't he?

Not quite as blatant as Uniblocker, but a troll nonetheless.

I'm willing to bet that 90% of the people here can't deconstruct the basic sentence structure to the English language.

Simple things that come naturally to us are easily overlooked.

My point. Knowing how to properly use an adjective (or anything that has to do with sentence structure for that matter), and knowing a name for it are two entirely different things.
You just did a much better job of making a point of it than I did.
It'll definitely be fun to watch. Two very electric point guards, who can both take advantage of matchups and score constantly with their ball handling and speed (in the case of Ulis) or strength and size (in the case of Briscoe). Both can shoot well, both are natural facilitators, and can make crafty passes, and both play very hard.
I'm going to love watching our backcourt next season. I think we'll have a terrific team.

Briscoe can talk but he's a money man and will be distributing dimes to his teammates all game or blowing past whoever is in his way for a bucket. Ulis and Briscoe will be great to watch!
You think Alex Sanders or Milt Wagner know what an adjective is? "Dat's one of dem Academic Schoo's"!!!
Not quite as blatant as Uniblocker, but a troll nonetheless.

My point. Knowing how to properly use an adjective (or anything that has to do with sentence structure for that matter), and knowing a name for it are two entirely different things.
You just did a much better job of making a point of it than I did.
It hit me that I probably couldn't do it in English when I was sitting in college Spanish and being forced to do it in another language.

To think 6 years later im being forced to learn Farsi lol. God help me
It hit me that I probably couldn't do it in English when I was sitting in college Spanish and being forced to do it in another language.

To think 6 years later im being forced to learn Farsi lol. God help me

You're a better man than I. I'm closed minded when it comes to the languages that I speak lol.
You're a better man than I. I'm closed minded when it comes to the languages that I speak lol.
Oh I am too. I'd only speak English if that was an option. Uncle Sam doesn't agree with my opinion.

I'm willing to bet Briscoe knows what an adjective is after the flak he's taken though lol.
Oh I am too. I'd only speak English if that was an option. Uncle Sam doesn't agree with my opinion.

I'm willing to bet Briscoe knows what an adjective is after the flak he's taken though lol.

Eh, welcome to UK, where you go viral if you don't know what an adjective is, and you play basketball.
Honestly it's not a big deal that he doesn't know what an adjective is. A lot of people don't but people know how to use them though, so does Briscoe. Same thing for noun, pronoun and the rest of that crap they teach in middle school English class.

Where he messed up was saying out loud that he didn't know what it is.

Also a lot of kids that use Your instead of You're do it because the word is shorter. They know the difference, or atleast I think they do. Txts, Twitter, Facebook and so on are meant to get the message across and nobody cares about grammar.

Except for the ones that go outta their way to type words differently like: "Yo cuh, werr u at. We gotz 2 pick up dem boyz and den we gon ride." <-- now that is annoying to read.
Dr Lee Todd initiated many remedial programs to combat illiteracy and innumeracy so prevalent among current students
Adjectives is stupid anyway.

Putting the joined date above the post count is a brilliant little juxtaposition. Lets you know who's been banned for years before they were lifted recently, and it's interesting how often one of someone's ten posts per year is used to make a disparaging, negative remark about the program or players.

But there I go, being a post count snob and sunshine pumper who can't handle objectivity with my blue goggles on.
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