Zach Nelson is a 6'8" forward from Yuba City, CA. Yuba, or course is Spanish for "soulless ginger"
You probably recognize him from his role on the hit ABC sitcom Modern Family.
Zach's interests include beard maintenance and Vincent Van Gogh cosplay.
Say that ^^^^ three times real fast.
Kuusi jalkaa kuuden tuuman eteenpäin Joonas Tahvanainen on täällä 6 kuukauden korkeakoulujen työviisumissa. Hänen vanhempansa lähettivät hänet tänne oppimaan koripalloa niin, että hän palasi jonain päivänä rakastetulle Suomeen ja opetti sen koululaisille. Hän varasti myös tyttöystävänsä, kun et katso. Hän on suomalainen Justin Bieber.
Manyang walks to center court right before the national anthem, takes the mic, and bellows,
Akolda Manyang would like to let all of age ladies of the #BBN that the stereotype about dudes originally from the Sudan is very true and he will be staying in room 542.
Richard Haward is a 6'11" Forward from Orem, Utah. He is the spokemodel for the Big 'N' Tall line of magic holy underwear at the LDS' Outlet Store in Salt Lake.
Richard was given up for adoption upon his birth by his birthparents due to "there are already enough awkward tall white boys named Zeller". Pictured below are his biological brothers.
Wait until they beat Duke tomorrow.This is arguably the most fame these kids will ever see, being parodied on RR.
Meet Conner Toolson. Conner is a 6'4" junior from Highland Utah. The darkness is slowly enveloping Conner but he still preseves his calm façade and awaits the sweet eternal release of death.
He recently just came off of the national tour of Spongebob Squarepants: The Musical where he played the role of Normal Spongebob for 53 shows.