UK shoe from Drake's new Nike line

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But I'm still wearing my UK pegasus from 3 years ago. They always cleanup nice but I'd take a pair of those.
Nike always has fit me the best! I don’t agree with their politics but I can’t find a better fitting shoe except for Hey Dudes.

I don’t play ball anymore so I buy Nike running shoes so that might be why they don’t hurt my feet.. lol
Please make a list of what you like about UK and what you hate. I think I know what list would be longer!!
I love UK and it's basketball tradition of winning conference championships and getting to the Final Four. None of those things have happened in a long time. Oh, and I also love kids who come to UK and place more importance in the success of the program than in listening to their handler's and that dog-walker who desperately wants to play two bigs at the same time, the same two bigs who tried to control who could be on the roster this year and made ultimatums to the coaching staff. I can't stand coaches who talk down to fans and only put winning lineups on the floor out of spite or because they're forced to.

What's your list? I predict it starts and ends with Cow, with kissy emoticons in between.
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If you're a young moron, you love these shoes because Drake tells you to. When you grow up, you'll realize that you had horrible taste.
I’m 40 and Drake didn’t tell me anything. Y’all are hating on something that’s not meant for you. It’s made for kids in this generation. When Chucks came out the old timers prolly hated them and didn’t get them while the “young morons with horrible taste” loved them. Y’all are always hating on something, stay in your lane and stop crying… about flippin shoes.