UK fans in Rupp booed foul calls against UKlast night a a percentage of.....


Gold Member
Feb 4, 2004
13 out of 19, or 68.4%.

I know this because the great writer Jerry Tipton went on about this phenomenon at some length in his game article. So it must be pretty important to know. I did not realize it was, but now I know, thanks to Jerry!

I sure do hope he includes a report like this for every game from now on. We need to be at at least 85-90%!
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Nice, Jerry! Next week: the lady working concessions in 240 is a month behind on her car payment:

The LHL has learned that a "high level" employee closely connected to UK basketball has recently fallen behind on her repayment agreement with a local bank. I obtained an interview with Kathleen Johnston 47, at her place of employment recently. Between comments like "do you need cheese for those nachos" and "the condiments are right over there" Kathleen said she "forgot" to make last month's payment due to the fact that things got a little hectic with the grandkids and whatnot.

The burning question for our readers: Is this the kind of person that should be connected with the program and could this be only the tip of a very dirty iceberg? More on this in my next column.
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I'm expecting this info to be in his "notebook" every week, right after the other important info we can't do without, like former players' birthdays.
I don't know of any other sports writer so hated by his own readership base. I've lived in a lot of other places- New York, San Francisco, Baltimore, etc- and read a lot of local sports coverage- and this a**hole takes the cake.
I had season tickets last year and I booed at 100% of the fouls calls against UK and the whole place did as well. Wtf is up with Rupp this year? You boo when they make a call against your team and if it's the wrong call the. You boo as loud as you freaking can! Am i rite?
Someone should proactively start a Go Fund Me page to help pick up legal fees
when someone finally decides to activate Jerry's dental plan at LHL.

I do have to say I hate when fans frequently boo calls, unless it was clearly a bad call. Was at the USC game, and even though they were getting so many calls and non-calls, they booed every single call against them. I think it made them look stupid.
I don't know of any other sports writer so hated by his own readership base.

He can't have much of a readership base left. Outside of this message board, I can't recall anybody mentioning his "journalism" in a long time. I'd bet that the majority of UK fans in their mid-20s or younger don't even know who he is, and if they do, they probably don't know much more than he's some disliked anti-UK guy.