UK fans are truly everywhere...


May 26, 2005
I was on the pier in Myrtle Beach yesterday trying to stock up the fridge. I was at the end of the pier at 2nd street. Had just set my poles. Turned around and behold a Kentucky cap! I checked mine to make sure it was still on and remembered mine was blue. His was white and blue.

He asked if I was a blue hair. I responded no, just a blue blood. I stated we're everywhere, we're everywhere....he just laughed and said there are a dozen more back down the pier. (He said he was one of the ones that always wears the blue hair at the games.) I stated: keep it up...wished him well and got a bite.....

A good day. A very good day. Go Cats!!!
What kind of fish did you catch? I have never fished in salt water before and cool story also[thumb2]
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Meh. I would see it always in the east. Now I live outside Vegas and rarely see it, but when I do..

I have met members from this site, multiple times, outside Kentucky... that is awesome.
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What kind of fish did you catch? I have never fished in salt water before and cool story also[thumb2]

Whiting and Croaker (A few). We were after Ribbon Fish. The wife likes them. Too bony for me but they are fun to catch. Had no luck with those. (The weekend before we caught a few.)

Some other fisherman caught a hammerhead shark about 3 feet long, a Stingray (Took 7 or 8 people to pull him onto the pier. It had been caught before and had it's tail off.)(The dude that caught the hammerhead filleted him on the dock. (I didn't think you were supposed to do that but I'm a novice fisherman.)),

One kid (looked to be early 20's) had only a back pack and a collapsible pole along with a few Tupperware containers was slaying it. Caught a bunch of whiting and three huge Drum.(They had to be thrown back after he landed them. (Said to be too big) I'd say every bit of four feet long (I didn't catch it so I am not stretching it. :))

Another man caught several smaller shark and a huge Drum. We definitely did not stock our freezer. Will do some crabbing this weekend before it gets too cold and try again for Ribbon Fish. (We do that in Charleston)(After October 1st we can harvest Oysters and dig Clams too. (running low.)) We enjoy it.

Thanks for asking. I didn't mean to take this to a fishing thread but we had a good time. Arrived at 0700 and left around 2030. (That's 7am to 8:30pm :))
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Meh. I would see it always in the east. Now I live outside Vegas and rarely see it, but when I do..

I have met members from this site, multiple times, outside Kentucky... that is awesome.

That's cool. When I lived in San Antonio I ran across UK fans many times. I remember when BCG got hired I was coming out of Walmart wearing my UK hoodie and a man stated; "Ya'll got a good coach". I just said thanks and smiled. In retrospect I should have kicked him in the knee. :)

OT to the OP: I'd like to hear other chance UK fan sightings if any will take time and will share....
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My favorite was when I went to New York to see a friend (This was about 12 years ago); he had hired a car for me to take me to his apartment. I was wearing a UK sweatshirt; the driver was Pakistani and he also had a UK sweatshirt on. He saw mine and said GO CATS with a big grin. I asked him how long he had been a Kentucky fan; he said ever since he came to America in the early 90s.
That's cool. When I lived in San Antonio I ran across UK fans many times. I remember when BCG got hired I was coming out of Walmart wearing my UK hoodie and a man stated; "Ya'll got a good coach". I just said thanks and smiled. In retrospect I should have kicked him in the knee. :)

OT to the OP: I'd like to hear other chance UK fan sightings if any will take time and will share....
I just happened to run across 80 Proof and Anthony at an airport bar.
I forget his username but I walked outside of a UPS store in St. George, UT and some guy is taking a picture of my truck. I asked him what he was doing.
He replied he was visiting family (in St. George) and his buddies said, "that's a place you probably won't run into a UK fan." So he was taking a picture of my truck with a huge UK decal in the rear window as proof they were wrong. He went on to say he posts on this site, but I don't remember his handle.
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When I first moved to Southern IL back in 1999, it was very rare to see a UK hat, tshirt, or bumper sticker, though there were some. I will refrain from offering any reasons why that is, though I have a few theories. :D In fact, as the early 2000s progressed, these sightings became less and less. But today it's totally different. I see UK gear, UK decals, and even hear people talk about UK these days on a fairly regular basis. We're far enough from Champaign, and the Illini are bad enough, that UK has overtaken any talk of Illinois in these parts. The only school that competes with UK in this area is Southern IL University (SIU) and that's only because they're local. I know of many who support SIU and UK since they never play each other and there is little conflict in supporting both.

I realize many of the newer fans I see repping UK are bandwagoners, but I don't care. I still think it's great. These folks only know about John Wall, Demarcus Cousins, Brandon Knight, Anthony Davis, MKG, Harrison twins, Karl Towns, and etc. Many of them don't even know Tayshaun Prince and Rajon Rondo even played for UK. And forget the history of UK- they have no clue. But I'll just let them cheer and try to educate them along the way. ;)
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Very true. UK fans can indeed be found everywhere.

Thanks for your confidence and the like. [thumb2]
The gif is an astronaut on the moon with a UK flag waving in the background.
Was in Cherry Grove portion of NMB over the weekend and sure enough saw a few Cat fans on the beach. Does anyone other than Kentuckians and Ohioans visit/live in North Myrtle Beach?
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As a kid, I lived in France for a few years due to my dad's job. I remember going with him and one of his friends to these caves in the southwestern portion of the country. We get pretty far down inside a pretty remote one and notice a light/hear a couple guys approaching from deeper in the cave. When the person finally emerged to the spot we were waiting, he was wearing a UK hat and a UK sweatshirt. I mean this place was really pretty remote. I'll always remember that.
To turn things around, when we were in New Orleans during the SEC tourney my wife and I were in a store on Royal Street. A gent came up to me asked if he could ask me a question. He was from Canada. I said sure and he asked "Whats with all the blue shirts?" He notices that everywhere he looked everyone was wearing blue. I explained to him about the tournament and that most the blue he saw were UK fans. He said "Wow. Didn't know a college could have such a following." I thought it was cool. Just thought I would pass it along.
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Cool stories. Several years ago my wife and I traveled to Peru to trek up to Machu Picchu. We were in Cusco trying to acclimate to the altitude for a few days before starting our trek. Walking around the city one afternoon, we came upon a local guy wearing a UK hat. He couldn't speak English but understood "Go cats!"
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While on a cruise to the Bahamas last November, we met a family at the Atlantis resort...they actually have a home in Nassau .
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I live in Columbia, SC and drive all over the state. If you see a UK fan with SC plates, there's a good chance it's probably me. Say hey!
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2 weeks ago I was in Pocitelj Bosnia seeing some ruins of an old castle. As I'm walking down the hill from the castle with a UK shirt on I see a guy and a girl walking up the hill and he has a UK hat on. They gave a "Go cats" as we passed each other.
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Spent this weekend in the gas lamp district of San Diego and tried keeping up with my 19 month old as he ran around the atrium of our hotel waving and "talking" to people along the way. One of the people who saw us fly by stopped us after seeing my UK shirt with a "you went to UK too?" Real nice Russian couple who graduated from UK and currently live in Lexington. Hope to catch up with them when I head back to Kentucky next spring.
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Being in the military in the past, I ran into people in a number of states that were UK fans. On vacation I have seen UK fans in Myrtle Beach, SC, Orlando and Port Charlotte, FL.
We were on Anna Maria Island outside of Bradenton, FL last month and a guy getting out of a car yelled "Go Cats" when he saw my hat. I think he had KY plates.