A bit morbid but we have covered damn near everything else:
Im going:
Alex Groxa
Ralph Beard
Melvin Turpin
Wah Wah Jones
Bill Spivey
A hell of a frontcourt with Beard running the show.
Who you got?
Joe Holland off the bench..A bit morbid but we have covered damn near everything else:
Im going:
Alex Groxa
Ralph Beard
Melvin Turpin
Wah Wah Jones
Bill Spivey
A hell of a frontcourt with Beard running the show.
Who you got?
Mike Casey ,my roomate rest in Peace
Rupp called Casey His Money ManObviously one of my all time favorites,I also watched him many times at Shelby County.
Jonathan Stewart
amen Pitino is a dirtbag..anyone that is associated with him is toast.Every former UK player who followed Rick to UofL is dead to me. The grownup side of me fully understands why they did it, but the fan in me hates seeing our guys working with and alongside the dirty birds.
amen Pitino is a dirtbag..anyone that is associated with him is toast.
I Was a Freshman with Doug Flynn Jim Andrews Dan Perry and others Casey was 2 years ahead of me,We were Roomates at Holmes Hall I was Head Manager for 3 years.Bones we're you on any of the Casey teams?
I Was a Freshman with Doug Flynn Jim Andrews Dan Perry and others Casey was 2 years ahead of me,We were Roomates at Holmes Hall I was Head Manager for 3 years.
Jim Andrews should be in UK Hall of Fame long overdue Doug Flynn was on Big Red MachineThanks
Remember the big guy well,wasn't he a sr on the mike Flynn Jimmy Dan Connor group?Jim Andrews should be in UK Hall of Fame long overdue Doug Flynn was on Big Red Machine
Tommy Kron - Played on Rupp Runts Most underrated player ever played at Kentucky.
Thanks for mentioning Tommy Kron. He was a great guy and a good friend and is missed by so many.
Rupp is coachingA bit morbid but we have covered damn near everything else:
Im going:
Alex Groxa
Ralph Beard
Melvin Turpin
Wah Wah Jones
Bill Spivey
A hell of a frontcourt with Beard running the show.
Who you got?
another Indiana kidTommy Kron - Played on Rupp Runts Most underrated player ever played at Kentucky.
mike Flynn, another Indiana kid.Remember the big guy well,wasn't he a sr on the mike Flynn Jimmy Dan Connor group?
Mike Casey Coach Rupp was dead when Dwayne Casey arrived at UKis that Duane Casey?
Jim AndrewsHere are some players that I didn't think got what they deserve playing for Kentucky. I sure there more.
Tommy Kron
Bret Bearup
Winston Bennett
Mike Casey
Jimmy Dan Conner
Allen Edwards
James Lee
Cotton Nash
John Pelphrey
Mike Pratt
Larry Stamper
Larry Steele
Wayne Turner
No He graduated in 1972Remember the big guy well,wasn't he a sr on the mike Flynn Jimmy Dan Connor group?
Wow man, you have been around a while. Got any teeth left?No He graduated in 1972
can we rename the all-deceased team?
I have all my teethWow man, you have been around a while. Got any teeth left?Just jerking your chain, thanks for the info, it is good to hear about these guys.