UC player gets denied a waiver and re-instated in a month. Meanwhile,

Edit: quoted the wrong person.

That's ultimately who is at fault here. Not Cal for making enemies, and not the NCAA who we know is shit.

It was our own damn people who extended this an extra.. what 2 or 3 weeks? A month? That gave the NCAA all the just cause to make Big Z probably the LAST of the paperwork for eligibility.

I'll put some money on him being eligible on the very last day of whatever that period is we've read about. Actually scratch that, my money is on the NCAA saying that day "sorry, you guys submitted this too late and we had to move on"
It's the NCAA and in no way do I trust them. They've had plenty of time to make a decision. This will be an Kanter situation all over again. Remember Kanter had every single penny in an account untouched and willing to do whatever the NCAA wanted him to do with it. Pay to a charity, the club he played with, and they still found a way to rule him ineligible. Meanwhile Marvin Bagley reclassified in a month parents moved into a mansion and the NCAA saw no sketchy activity there.
Hopefully, the point is the NCAA isn't just sitting on their hands with these eligibility issues. I get it that the word hope in RR is just like a pronoun in the political forum. 🤣
UCLA just got foreign kid eligible for last night's game.
And they didn't dick around with English tests in October.
It's our own fault.

Still one of the most absurd things ever. Multilingual and fluent in English but denied because he wasn't fluent in writing English and wasn't on a special exhaustive list of chosen exempted nations of origin. All in a time when universities accept anyone and everyone that apply.

It was insane
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I noticed this as well. New information, bull. The NCAA always claims new information when they have to reverse a bad decision.
Maybe it's time we threaten to sue!
Yep, I said that weeks ago. There is no legitimate reason to deny eligibility and even less reason to drag out the decision.

These buffoons claim to be looking after kids. They are pure liars. They are spiteful, thin skinned geeks willing to throw kids under a bus to show how much power they have.

Z should sue them and find a way to threaten some type class action suit. The nerds will cave in 30 seconds.

That organization can't die soon enough.
I would completely agree with that statement if it didn't happen all my life under 6 other coaches. But I will agree that Cal sometimes brings out the worst in officials.

I’m curious as to what Cal does that brings out the worst in officials that other coaches don’t do? Genuinely asking…
I’m curious as to what Cal does that brings out the worst in officials that other coaches don’t do? Genuinely asking…
Well, I'm not sure what it is, to be honest. I'm just observing their reactions to him. It could just be particular officials who have had run-ins with him. But it seems to me that there are often officials who dislike him and give UK a raw deal. I've noticed this especially at Rupp Arena. UK seems to get a better whistle at neutral sites. I won't assume what the issue is, I can't hear what is being said. I just see it and it seems to be worse under Cal than under previous coaches. I will admit, so of it may be my own bias. I get pretty irritated when calls go against my Cats. :)
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The NCAA doesn't like Cal. The refs don't like Cal. Even a lot of Kentucky fans don't like Cal anymore.
How many members in the CHC?

My guess is 25 or so and they all post here.

Never met one in the real world though.

UK didn’t do anything wrong on Z.

UK has followed every rule and protocol and all in a timely manner.

Z was a late addition.

The CHC just wants to scapegoat.

The sky is not falling.
I posted on here about two weeks ago that we probably won't get him. This is another Kanter situation while other teams don't get punished. Remember Shelby for Kansas?!? He took money, paid it back, and still got to play after a 6 game ban.

The NCAA can pound sand. He should be eligible period.
Well, I'm not sure what it is, to be honest. I'm just observing their reactions to him. It could just be particular officials who have had run-ins with him. But it seems to me that there are often officials who dislike him and give UK a raw deal. I've noticed this especially at Rupp Arena. UK seems to get a better whistle at neutral sites. I won't assume what the issue is, I can't hear what is being said. I just see it and it seems to be worse under Cal than under previous coaches. I will admit, so of it may be my own bias. I get pretty irritated when calls go against my Cats. :)

I think we get the bad end on officiating in about 6-7 out of 10 games.

I always think I’m being biased as well even when I try not to be biased. I was trying to figure out what your honest take on it was. It’s crazy man, but I think there’s something more to it than refs just not liking Cal.

I think there’s a bigger issue going on behind closed doors and wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t related to gambling.
I think we get the bad end on officiating in about 6-7 out of 10 games.

I always think I’m being biased as well even when I try not to be biased. I was trying to figure out what your honest take on it was. It’s crazy man, but I think there’s something more to it than refs just not liking Cal.

I think there’s a bigger issue going on behind closed doors and wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t related to gambling.
Yeah, I didn't think you were being difficult or giving me a hard time. I see it frequently and I don't think it's just my own bias. Kentucky definitely draws in lots of betting attention and money involved, so it wouldn't surprise me if that is part of the issue. I would hope that isn't the case but something is up. I've assumed it's because Cal is not liked and gets on officials' nerves more than others.
This! Yes, UK has ALWAYS gotten a terrible whistle. However, it’s been magnified since Cal’s arrival. They dislike both UK and Cal. It’s a double whammy.
Nothing has ever been done or investigated about this. We have a lot of evidence but it just gets swept under the rug.
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