Tyler Ulis' Little Brother, Ahron Ulis

If any of you guys are hinting that he's ever high when he's playing (notice the jersey and sweat), you are the one who is high. But what he does on his own time is his business.
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I'm better at basketball when I'm roasted. I don't partake anymore, but playing basketball or soccer or any sport for that matter, while stoned is a blasty blast.
He almost always looks like that in pictures, and people always make that stupid insinuation.

Seeing it here just proves how ridiculous and misguided it is to suggest that, unless you think he's high while playing basketball and high while working out and high while having dinner with the team and high while meeting young fans and just decides to be photographed in every one of those instances.
We're really talking about this?
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His brother must be 5'6". If he's only in 8th grade hopefully he's still got some growing to do.

I was 5 feet even in 8th grade, I'm 6'1 now. I'd say there's a pretty good chance he'll grow at least a couple inches.
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I was 5 feet even in 8th grade, I'm 6'1 now. I'd say there's a pretty good chance he'll grow at least a couple inches.
Hmmm...I'm the same height now I was in 6th grade But's more than likely he will add couple inches or so
I was 5 feet even in 8th grade, I'm 6'1 now. I'd say there's a pretty good chance he'll grow at least a couple inches.

Or some people top out by 8th grade...I've been stuck at 5'7 shoeless since I was 13 years old. You look at his brother...and he could be staring at a similar fate of getting to "5'9" but then again my goofy little brother grew to like 6 feet. The guy who sucks/couldn't care about sports got that height and I got nothing. #ShortPeopleProblems lol
That being said, I know some really really stupid people who smoke all day every day so they kind of help perpetuate that myth.
Marijuana doesn't lower your IQ. It may give you short term memory loss while your under the influence of it, but other than that it doesn't make you stupid like some people think.
Some of the smartest people I know smoke the pot.. A LOT of lawyers smoke it.. Especially going to law school.. If it wasn't for short term memory loss,, I'd be in prison for killing a bunch.. Gives me time to calm down before I remember crap again.. ;)
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They were dumbasses prior.. It just helped define em more so..

Right, like you were saying alot of smart people smoke but they are discreet about it because they have careers or they are working hard to have a good career. It's the idiots who don't have jobs and sit around selling it and smoking it all day that give smokers a bad name. They are the ones who wear marijuana clothing in public, talk about it all the time, and post about it on social media incessantly. Those guys are losers.
It's the idiots who don't have jobs and sit around [discussing UK] that give [other UK fans] a bad name. They are the ones who wear [almost nothing but UK] clothing in public, talk about it all the time, and post about it on social media incessantly. Those guys are losers.

You could have substituted "Kentucky basketball" for pot and you would have successfully described many of the fans who post on this forum.
If that man can ball like he does while high then more power to him.

Would definitely explain why he's so relaxed on the court.

On a serious note --> someone people look different than others. Is it really that difficult to believe his eyes are naturally droopy?
You could have substituted "Kentucky basketball" for pot and you would have successfully described many of the fans who post on this forum.

I thought about tying that in there, but I figured most would make the connection anyway. I also don't even like mentioning our vocal minority of dumbass fans. It actually pisses me off because I travel a lot and always wear UK gear and always hear about how our fans are "the dumbest fans in the nation". It couldn't be further from the truth. Most Duke fans I know wouldn't have been able to get into Duke or even UK for that matter. Not that there is any shame in not being able to get into Duke, I wouldn't have been able to either. My ACT score would've qualified anywhere but they would've laughed after seeing my GPA.
Sigh...That is the Ulis look. You had the Wall dance, the Boogie call me, and now the Mean Mug with an attitude stare...The "Ulis look".kind of a half grin like; "Do something about it." type Clint-Wince". The kids got style...

That's it: The mean-mugging; "Clint-Squint"
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