Ty Lawson arrested for 2nd DUI this year

LOL. I think people of all schools have gotten DUI's. I doubt anything UNC does promotes drinking and driving.
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The cops thought he was slurring his words but he was just speaking in Swahili. Those 100 AF-AM credit hours flooded his brain under stress.

Don't forget -- Ty Lawson was arrested for drunk driving in the summer of 2008 in Chapel Hill. His punishment from Roy Williams -- zero. Did that set him up for future problems? As a parent, I can guarantee you if you allow destructive behavior by not assigning any consequences to it, you are basically endorsing that behavior.
Was it Ty Lawson or Ray Felton that got really fat for a while?

Not that it matters, but might as well slam another UNC Scrub PG while we can..
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With all the money these athletes have, they should have no reason to drink and drive. They could have a personal driver on hand at all times. Then again, you don't always make the smartest decisions when you are drunk.
With all the money these athletes have, they should have no reason to drink and drive. They could have a personal driver on hand at all times. Then again, you don't always make the smartest decisions when you are drunk.

Seriously. You can afford to spend $50 on an uber black car ride if you don't want a nasty taxi.
I thought Ty Lawson was a driver's education major?

He was probably driving while impaired to show his students what happens to any idiot who does that![winking]
I wasn't aware he got one while at UNC also. Wow.

Just for clarification, he didn't get a DWI while at UNC. He plead guilty to "driving after consuming alcohol" (he was only 20 years old at the time) and his BAC was only at .03 when the limit in NC for a DWI is .08. For a guy his size to blow a .03, we're talking less than a beer being consumed probably. Don't get me wrong, it was still a terrible decision that impacted his draft status and was somewhat of a black eye for him and the program.

Fast forward to his recent issues, certainly poor decisions. He appears to be an habitual poor decision maker. That's apparently what's held him back from being an All-Star level player - leadership. People all around the league have spoken to his lack thereof. Shame really, because he's super talented.

Don't forget -- Ty Lawson was arrested for drunk driving in the summer of 2008 in Chapel Hill. His punishment from Roy Williams -- zero. Did that set him up for future problems? As a parent, I can guarantee you if you allow destructive behavior by not assigning any consequences to it, you are basically endorsing that behavior.

Other than you inaccurately characterizing it as "drunk driving", I tend to agree with what you wrote. I kind of remember Roy doing something, but I don't remember what the punishment was. It was during the summer so that might have played a part in him getting off light - and the fact that again, the BAC was only .03. But I remember being a little perturbed that the punishment wasn't severe enough. Many of our fans felt the same way. Could that have played a part in Lawson's habitual drinking issues? Maybe. But I tend to be pretty cynical about professional athletes and I feel that most could have grown up in monastery and they'd still be entitled and out of touch with reality.

Here's the link to the story that accurately discusses the charge of "driving after consuming alcohol.
I didn't inaccurately characterize it. According to an ESPN headline on an Associated Press story I linked in this thread he was charged with DWI. Now, did he ultimately plead guilty to underage drinking? Yes. I think we all know how that works. But my characterization of his initial charge was accurate, according to the AP and ESPN. No big deal, but as a guest on a Kentucky board, you should be careful about accusations.

I will credit you with at least entertaining the idea that by not severely punishing him -- at Kentucky in that era or just before, any alcohol offense was a full season suspension, as Jules Camara found out -- Roy Williams may have played a role in not addressing what has clearly become a serious problem for the young man.

Not to nitpick, but you used the term "drunk driving". That terminology is what I took issue with. Even if the initial charge was DWI, he clearly wasn't "drunk driving" as his BAC proved. But the shoddy reporting might have positioned it as such so I can't blame you but so much for making such a statement.

Regarding the rest of the discussion, Roy's part et all, nobody is perfect. Roy might not have done as much as he could have. But maybe sometime previously in his coaching career, the same thing happened and the way Roy addressed it worked perfectly and the player in question went on to live a perfectly healthy and productive life? You don't know about that because it wasn't newsworthy. And maybe Roy learned a lesson through his dealings with Lawson. I'm going to give Roy the benefit of the doubt as you would expect.
Not to nitpick, but you used the term "drunk driving". That terminology is what I took issue with. Even if the initial charge was DWI, he clearly wasn't "drunk driving" as his BAC proved. But the shoddy reporting might have positioned it as such so I can't blame you but so much for making such a statement.

Regarding the rest of the discussion, Roy's part et all, nobody is perfect. Roy might not have done as much as he could have. But maybe sometime previously in his coaching career, the same thing happened and the way Roy addressed it worked perfectly and the player in question went on to live a perfectly healthy and productive life? You don't know about that because it wasn't newsworthy. And maybe Roy learned a lesson through his dealings with Lawson. I'm going to give Roy the benefit of the doubt as you would expect.

I have no idea of what he learned because he certainly didn't deal well with PJ. I realize that kids do stupid things but, at some point, there has to be accountability for actions. The only reason PJ didn't keep playing was due to NCAA issues.
DWI is Driving While Impaired, not Intoxicated........can be from alcohol, prescription pills, other drugs.....