Top 5 bands/artists you purchase new albums on day one


Dec 31, 2002
You've maybe heard one song or none, but they are your current favorites and you buy their albums, sound unheard. Go.

Avett Brothers
Jason Isbell
Ryan Adams
Scott Miller & The Commonwealth
1. Ryan Adams
2. My Morning Jacket
3. The Avett Brothers
4. Fiona Apple
5. The Black Keys
Grizzly Bear
St. Vincent
Real Estate
The War on Drugs

Lots more.
old guy here.

1. Yes
2. AC/DC
3. Metallica
4. Fleetwood Mac
5. Tom Petty
I still (Purchase) cd's every month, as an old school fan, i want to have the bands whole body of work, to go into my collection. I buy from old standby bands, but i almost daily search for new music (rock and Metal) How do you people listen to your music at home? I have tried the downloaded stuff on ipods etc, but the sound quality is not very good, not near as good as a cd or album through my 4 floor speakers.

Metallica, Black Sabbath, Black Stone Cherry, ACDC, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Symphony X, Alice in Chains, ZZTop, Tool, Rob Zombie, Avenged Sevenfold, POD, etc.

New stuff for any metal fans here, you need to get the new cd by: Sanctuary - The year the sun died (awesome) and the cd by The Pretty Reckless - Going to Hell (cindy lou who can really sing)
I can't even remember the last "new" album I bought, it's been so long. Maybe the latest Metallica, which I believe came out almost 7 years ago.

I use youtube, spotify, and pandora. All free and legal. Spend maybe $10 a year on itunes.
I never purchase albums - just pay for streaming music service. However, if any of these put out an album I am all over it like stank on poo:

1) Guided By Voices
2) The New Pornographers
3) Wilco
4) My vocal fantasy wife (Neko Case)
5) Jay Farrar
I used to like to "rip the plastic" once every year or two...Jay Z, bought Kendrick's debut, etc.

Spotify Premium pretty much ended that. Best invention ever, imo. You basically have access to 99% of all the music in the world, and get to feel good about yourself for "supporting" them with your $9.99 monthly contribution.

I'd pay probably pay up to $30.
I do still occasionally by CDs because the sound quality is so much better than playing electronic copies. Neil Young owns a streaming service (can't remember the name) that gives you ultra high quality music files. Its still in its early stages though. But to answer the O.P.'s question, I only buy remastered works by my favorite artists from classic rock (Stones, Zeppelin, etc.) and American standards (Sinatra, etc.) and some Jazz/Classical. The Foo Fighters & Red Hot Chili Peppers are the only current artists that I would buy a whole CD from today.
Originally posted by DSmith21:
I do still occasionally by CDs because the sound quality is so much better than playing electronic copies. Neil Young owns a streaming service (can't remember the name) that gives you ultra high quality music files. Its still in its early stages though. But to answer the O.P.'s question, I only buy remastered works by my favorite artists from classic rock (Stones, Zeppelin, etc.) and American standards (Sinatra, etc.) and some Jazz/Classical. The Foo Fighters & Red Hot Chili Peppers are the only current artists that I would buy a whole CD from today.
That actually depends. No matter what you play it on, an audio CD is sampled at 44.1 kbps/16-bit. On Spotify/Beats/iTunes high quality mode the rate is generally 320 kbps/ 24-bit. Before you say "yeah but mp3 is a compressed format" remember that the compression algorithm used doesn't cause any audible degradation in the spectrum that humans can hear. Really there are just changes in sub/supersonic frequency transmission that allow the information to be compressed.

The Neil Young thing (and I am a HUGE Neil Young and Crazy Horse fan) is really a crock of poo. CD sales should really just go away now. Congratulations, you have lived to see the end of the audio media wars!
^ Yep. Saw a study where they did a listening test between Ponos (Neil Young's player) and an iPhone 5s. They were using decent quality Sony headphones. Nobody in the test could tell the difference with any consistency. With digital music you're best friend is your headphones and if you want it to sound better, buy good ones.