This makes Kentucky loss hurt even more

Most talented team ever assembled? [laughing]

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Damn, can’t believe we lost. Could’ve had a great shot at 9. Oh well, guess will just look forward to the year to come.
I’m sad we’re not winning it all. But at least rh Zion slurp fest is over. And K has no one coming in really. Ol Roy next year will be hurting.

Kansas will be in fire.

Breathe easy UK fans. We’re hurt sure. But our assualter just got thrown in jail. Justice served.
I am so glad Duke is out and done and especially since Zion and RJ are done. Once again we get by Auburn and we had #9 this year. This is the 2nd or 3rd Elite 8 we lost that we would have been the favorite to win it all if we just get to the Final Four!
I guess I’ll go root for Virgina. I’m almost angry with the “vindication” Pearl will be get now that he is going to the FF. He is a cheat and more than likely knew about the FBI shenanigans at Auburn.
I'm happy they lost but doesn't nothing to numb the pain of losing to a depleted Auburn team that didnt even play very well
NOW, for the duke u espn wake you know is coming. I look for a genealogy or at least a chronology of this duke u team season to be played on a repeat on espn classics for at least the nest ncaa tournament. It will be much worse than the Watford shot.
I had MSU winning today and three of the final four in my bracket. Unfortunately the Cats loss today busted my correct FF.
I said at the beginning of the tournament as long as UNC and Duke don’t win I’ll be ok. I’m good now.
As much as I like see Duke going just makes the UK loss that much tougher. What could have been...
I’m sad we’re not winning it all. But at least rh Zion slurp fest is over. And K has no one coming in really. Ol Roy next year will be hurting.

Kansas will be in fire.

Breathe easy UK fans. We’re hurt sure. But our assualter just got thrown in jail. Justice served.

You have not seen the wake and espn repeatable play of the season that should have been for Zion and It will be worse than the Watford shot.
Virginia is tough period. I see MSU winning it all. Texas Tech is the real deal as well. Auburn does not die they just keep coming back. 4 quality FF teams.
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Agree. Great to see Duke lose, but ...

Just further drives home what a golden opportunity we threw away this afternoon.

I'm not so sure we would've gotten thru UVA *and* MSU. If we can't win it, at least none of our hated rivals can either. Being happy for the success of others (AU, MSU, TT and UVA) takes a lot of the sting away
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As much as I like see Duke going just makes the UK loss that much tougher. What could have been...

Ah. But our gap is safe. Their best chance to gain on us is gone.

And I have a cross hanging on my living room wall above my piano. My altar and sanctuary so to speak. I just walked over there and in a little bit of anger and arrogance asked “Do you like seeing the cheats and scammers of the world succeed while hard working folks suffer?”

Got my answer.

And now I’m crying. Miss you Mom. She would’ve been yelling with joy they just went out.
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It actually eases the pain a little for me. The final four finally has four teams that I don't mind seeing win it. I'm pulling for Auburn, but I'd be fine with any of the four being crowned.
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I for one love the company in misery. Any of the teams left could've beat us... and we could've beat any of the teams left.
Just goes to show any team at any time can be beat. The only ones that think differently are the ones who feel they are entitled.

I guess, entitled doesn't seem to be the word I have in mind...
I think this Duke team was comparable to UK 2012 in terms of talent compared to the rest of the field. Just goes to show you, even very good/great teams still dont win it all.
Can’t agree. This makes it much easier. I’m starting to wonder if all these people who think we would win the title had even watched us play all year. We didn’t have the PG play or the quality depth. Sure, we had a shot but we weren’t even a top 5 favorite. I’ll pull for Texas Tech or Auburn. Not sure I can handle a MSU/UVA Final. Boring.
You’re delusional Virginia would’ve killed us the way we turn the ball over. They play very smart and we played very dumb

This. If we couldn't beat Auburn WITHOUT Okeke then I don't know what makes anyone think we would've beaten Virginia or Michigan State. Both of those teams are clearly playing better than us.
But yet here we are having lost to Auburn and fans are crying like a me too generation. It’s March and anyone can beat anyone. Get over it!!!
I had Virginia beatinf us in the semis and beating Michigan State in the finals. I’ll likey win some money but would’ve preferred we actually got back to the final four again.