This is all feels very deliberate, and very smart.


Blue Chip Prospect
Nov 16, 2011
Is it just me, or does feel like (for those of us here old enough to remember) we have traveled back in time? All of the messaging, calling back the vibes of when Kentucky was KENTUCKY, and not just some NBA farm full of mercenaries whose names and faces you’d have to learn every year?

All the former players, using language like “we”, “us”, we will do whatever it takes, etc. It is very difficult to find the words to describe the vibes that this hire, and the collective messaging around it, has called back, but it feels like the whole Cal thing is almost a distant memory. It feels like we are KENTUCKY again, and not just a business model. Does this make sense? Am I just imagining this?
What excites me is that the atmosphere of the TRUE UK is back. What does that mean? The 90's great get to come along, Rajon Rondo, Chuck Hayes and all of those players UK fans loved will be apart of the program again. They won't be an after thought of Cal's version of UK, which only included his tenure. He didn't include the ones before him. I am excited to see John Wall and hopefully other UK players under the Cal error... I mean era will get to experience the TRUE Kentucky!
What excites me is that the atmosphere of the TRUE UK is back. What does that mean? The 90's great get to come along, Rajon Rondo, Chuck Hayes and all of those players UK fans loved will be apart of the program again. They won't be an after thought of Cal's version of UK, which only included his tenure. He didn't include the ones before him. I am excited to see John Wall and hopefully other UK players under the Cal error... I mean era will get to experience the TRUE Kentucky!
Exciting times ahead I have that feeling ….
All the comments about Pope being all about the name on the front of the jersey “KENTUCKY” by both Pitino and Barnhart today were no accident. That’s exactly what they’re doing. And I like it.
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Cal really wore on me. He is a good guy, but he always placed himself above the brand and program. Not sure I’ve watched more than 25 games over the last 6 years. Keep in mind, I’m a basketball dude, heavily involved in the AAU scene. Just couldn’t watch the nightly auditioning of players to the NBA and him selling out the program and promoting himself..
Is it just me, or does feel like (for those of us here old enough to remember) we have traveled back in time? All of the messaging, calling back the vibes of when Kentucky was KENTUCKY, and not just some NBA farm full of mercenaries whose names and faces you’d have to learn every year?

All the former players, using language like “we”, “us”, we will do whatever it takes, etc. It is very difficult to find the words to describe the vibes that this hire, and the collective messaging around it, has called back, but it feels like the whole Cal thing is almost a distant memory. It feels like we are KENTUCKY again, and not just a business model. Does this make sense? Am I just imagining this?
No. I even did a one time NIL contribution lol. Glad it's about tradition and legacy again. I hope all former players feel a sense of pride like the fans so we can unite to make BBN an unstoppable force. Come to UK and accomplish great things and the program will undoubtedly give back.
I couldn’t stand Cal more than the next guy but who the hell only watches 25 UK games in six years. What the hell else is there to do.
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My wife is younger than me and all she has known as a coach is Cal

I was trying to express what OP typed to her today. It does, it feels like old times, like we have our program back. We became the university of Cal on accident and lost our way

Not anymore. We have our beloved basketball program back. Rejoice BBN. And those questioning or bitching about Pope will eat crow
Is it just me, or does feel like (for those of us here old enough to remember) we have traveled back in time? All of the messaging, calling back the vibes of when Kentucky was KENTUCKY, and not just some NBA farm full of mercenaries whose names and faces you’d have to learn every year?

All the former players, using language like “we”, “us”, we will do whatever it takes, etc. It is very difficult to find the words to describe the vibes that this hire, and the collective messaging around it, has called back, but it feels like the whole Cal thing is almost a distant memory. It feels like we are KENTUCKY again, and not just a business model. Does this make sense? Am I just imagining this?

There is no doubt in my mind Mitch called in a careers worth of favors to rally the fans. The irony is we wouldve supported him no matter what. It's Mitch everyone was furious at.
Actually, the women might be good to keep. Now anyway. Keep the hype train going for them. It's the entire format of the night that needs fixed.

The first thing ahould be to time it so we fans can actually watch the practice scrimmage. At 11pm, we got guys playing and ESPN switches to sportscaster. Absurd.

Cut down a lot of the crap, and get to a practice.
What is really surreal is the video by Rick Pitino to BBN and all the reconnection with the fans, contributing money to the NIL……that is twilight zone stuff…..🤣….
Cause as it seems, slick Rick can't retire as ky coach... but can ride off into sunset knowing he did something close enough. Pretty awesome time right now, there is hope being restored. Us fans matter again! Cannot wait until Sunday, pope won't be saying I'm not that guy. Watch n see.
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Been watching UK basketball for 50+ years and I hope that we do get back to playing like KENTUCKY BASKETBALL AGAIN ! The last 5-6 years was not how Kentucky Basketball was to be played. This past year was one of he best teams we have had for a while but Cal screwed that up by not playing any defense.