This Could Really Be About Nothing . . .

Well they aren't getting Stoops so yeah….
Napier hone after the Miami debacle?
Im not buying it
Billy Sun Belt goes hard.
Stoops would be dumb to leave for there honestly. They haven’t been crap for years and he routinely beats them here now. He would be fired in 3 or 4 years max. No telling if this post is legit or not but I guarantee their coach won’t make it much longer. Especially if they get beat down a couple more times and don’t get a bowl game.
The name the UF fans are drooling over is Urban of course but don't think he will be hired, next is Kiffin who the think would crawl from Oxford to Gainesville over broken glass to coach the Gators. Then they have thrown out a dozen or so names, and yes Stoops was one, but they want an offensive coach.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that Twitter account take really stupid takes from message boards and put them out into the world to get ridiculed?

I wouldn't put any stock in anything posted by that amount, personally.
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