This Alumni game is a Big Blue Nation recruiting ad

Looks like a good atmosphere. UNC has 8 players, and many of them are not really "Name guys" lol. From the little I've watched, UK was just goofing around, but I see now they are up 14 (watching my Titans demolish Jameis so am recording it to watch later in full).
Demarcus is putting on a show!! Shooting 3's from the K and dunking!!
It sucks that a lot of the biggest guys can't play:(. Too bad we can't be in a world with no injury worries!
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It sucks that a lot of the biggest guys can't play:(. Too bad we can't be in a world with no injury worries!

Yeah, wasn't AD going to play and then they did not approve it last minute? I see he is at the game.

I notice a big chunk of UK's team is last year's 7 that left. I have also see Cousins, Bledsoe, TJ, not sure who else might be on the team as I have not watched a ton.
Surprisingly close game coming down the stretch. I have to wonder if UK has treated this one like the WWE...and kept it close for drama.
It was amazing to see all Cal's players together. It really makes it clear what he's done as a coach and what he's done for UK.
Well looking a the box-score, I see why the game was so close. UNC got marched to the FT I had to say it guys.
Boogie was a blast all night, one time either refusing to come out or attempting to dupe the refs to stay in. He was trying out point guard skills and just generally having a blast. But hey, one and dones have no affection for their schools, right? HA

Dakari hit a 3, I sweat to god he did. It banked in, but he hit it. I was there in real life and I saw it happen. MIND BLOWN.
UK was up 21 two different times; it appeared to me that whenever they mashed the gas that UNCheat had no shot, so I think the fact that it was for charity led them to keep from blowing UNCheats guys out. Davis and Boogie were co-head coaches and they had a lot of fun messing with Andrew and Booker, taking them out and putting them back in every 10 seconds. lol
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Dakari Johnson was shooting threes. That should tell you how serious they were taking the game.
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What was the final score? Didn't really think the UK guys would take it too serious. Surprised to see a guy like Cousins playing. He is the kings best player and most important for their future.
Enis Kanter. Why does he not get invited or do we know if he was? It would have been awesome to see him play in a Kentucky uniform.
Where did Aaron disappear to? He was there, played a little, and then I didn't see him anymore, not even on the bench.