Taken from the CBSsports website:
Verne Harris called K State vs Cincinnati (31 total fouls), UCLA vs Cincinnati (33), and Wisconsin-Florida (50). He calls fewer fouls than the average ref.
Mike Eades called Florida-ETSU (31), Xavier-Florida State (44) and South Carolina-Florida (38). He also calls fewer fouls than the average ref.
Michael Stephens worked Michgan State vs Miami (35) and Xavier-Gonzaga (40). He calls fewer fouls than Eades and Harris.
All stats above are from Natstat.com.
This is Mike Eades' 4th Final 4 assignment (and 3rd in a row - impressive). This is Michael Stephens' 5th final 4, and the 9th for Verne Harris. For the Saturday refs, this is John Higgins' 8th Final 4, and many of the others have also reffed the final 4 before.
So, look for UNCheat's slapping and pushing to go unchecked.