Just try not to laugh:
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Looks to me like scoring margin is his most important factor which is silly.
Massey doesn't use them for his own formula.The fact that Massey supposedly uses this in his rating system makes me further understand why his ratings are also totally WHACK.
Almighty Lehigh with the #1 SOS.
That's not that far from the truth. All but one of Lehigh's games have been on the road, two of which were against top 25 teams.
It's pretty common for schools like Lehigh to have high SOS numbers early in the season because they will play some good teams on the road while power conference teams tend to largely play home games against bad teams. Once conference play starts, Lehigh's SOS will diminish.
How's it going Logan?
Oh? My apologies. I forgot that I'm supposed to forgo all consideration of truth so that I may join the hate parade.
That Logan guy is so such an idiot! Did he have paint chips with his Wheaties as a kid?
Is that better?