The tattoo must come down!

He had a tattoo put over it:

Doesn't the NCAA wipe clean all the youtube videos, articles and programs also?

I think they should force UL to mail back their trophy also and any rings given to players, friends of the program, and the family.

That tattoo might be the only thing Rick will have, unless of course, Joanne kept some reminders.

UL fans should get reimbursements for the floor pieces they sold as well. This university is in arrears for that one title.
I say leave it. It's a daily reminder of this entire ordeal, which I'm sure will haunt him for the rest of his Bball life.
I don't see what the big deal is. He took the biggest L possible today and the L is right there, plain as day.
Any tattoo artist worth their salt could clean it up to be a "Michigan Wolverines 2013 National Champions" tat. The darker blue would cover the red fairly easily.