The Science (and potential implications) of Weather Modification


Nov 11, 2011
This is a long and somewhat dense post - sample at your leisure - I can only scratch the surface with what's posted tonight but mayday more source material this week.

I've wound up in some interesting places in this whacky life and have learned some interesting things.

Two lessons I'll never forget include:

a) not to jokingly pester drunk Marines stumbling outside of NCO club

c) not to doubt the depth, complexity and enormous funding for military technology. It used to be fairly safe to assume that term meant "stuff our military uses to fight other militaries" ..... but it also covers crowd control type capabilities and an assortment of programs and ideas centered on remotely influencing the human brain.....

Stop and think about what you would consider to be the most advanced military weapons / technology that any branch of our service has (you can element the Martines -- they can't have nice things)

Chances are MOST people are going to come up with stuff like:

Stealth technology
Smarty Bombs / GPS (etc) guided munitions
"Satellite Capabilities" like surveillance and/or EMP
Drones of various types -- the wasp sized ones are really interesting
Various cyber weapons that could potentially shut down power grids etc
The latest tiny nukes that our AF is testing in the S/W right now -- higher accuracy and carried by F16's

  • people may be reading up on some other publications and have more exotic input like:
  • various biological weapon types (and their vectors) - both traditional and exotic
  • enhanced stealth that's moving quickly to optical invisibility
  • Social conditioning and mass hypnosis effect induced by the "hive mind effect" and all the commercial platforms that are being used to guide collective temperament via fear
  • Various forms of nanotechnology and implantable devices that have been tested on the military for a while now

One thing I think you can almost always count on ... is the idea that there are mature weapons / capabilities that are in "service" RIGHT NOW that eclipse the frontier of what 90% of us would consider to be the boundary of what's possible

& behind that is another layer that's conceptual, getting ample funding (not all of it "on the books" **) and supported by REALLY smart tech-types who are teamed with REALLY sharp business/military-industralist types.......who have a pitch / plan and one or more eager suitors who are championing the next wave (.....while often championing their own next career chapter after Flag Officer status ends)

ALL that is shared to establish a logical foundation for my assertion that Government sponsored "Weather Modification" exists.

There have actually been a fair number of open / mainstream media reports on various types of (UNCLASS) weather modification programs.

I can't get everything I feel safe to say in this thread but I won't drop this idea here and abandon it either
I can only show you what I've found in print, make "indirect references" to a few more items that I experienced and apply the two principles below:

a) it's logical to believe that there are forms of advanced "military" technology that you know nothing about and are beyond what you would consider to be out limits

b) mankind's general record is such that -- if we can make it can bet we'll want to try and make it STORM......and if we can make it STORM ....then there will be those who will want to weaponize and direct it against their enemies

I believe there are at least 2 "categories" of technology in this field.

The first is much more simple and goes back several decades.
"Cloud seeding" with particulate matter and chemicals (silver iodide etc) to induce rain.
It's really not all that technologically impressive - but it's where I believe the field of research started

The second 'broad type' of weather alteration centers on the manipulation and control over electrical fields and properties - some of which are found in clouds.
(linked from the decades old NAS pub below)

Studies are being made of electric fields in clouds, their possible influence on the precipitation mechanism and of methods for changing the electric field patterns as a possible technique for modification of clouds.

Here are some links that document early research (USA) into weather modification (1940's -1960's) - within that report are also indications that the USSR was working on the same capabilities.
Since then we've also seen China enter the arena and others to varying extents.

LINK 1 : Illustrates that this research has been around a while - and it quickly expanded in scope

National Science Foundation and a formal publication detailing early work on altering weather patterns

A couple of excerpts:

The National Science Foundation Special Commission on Weather Modification was asked to consider ... artificially inducing deliberate changes in the environment [so as to enable] control or develop changes in the atmosphere considered to be desirable by society?

Modification of hurricanes has reached the stage of preliminary field experimentation but the results, so far, are inconclusive.

Changing the course or intensity of extratropical cyclones and altering climate over large areas remain as problems for the future. No serious attempt has yet been made to control tornadoes.

So -this isn't the only source establishing formal / organized (and "expanding") efforts by the USG to Manipulate weather patterns -- but it's a GOOD one.

Later in the paper they highly recommend that the govt provide carte blanche immunity and protection to the people and companies involved in these programs

They also formally acknowledge that there's a clear military angle to this

The importance to military operations of a capability for modifying weather conditions is obvious. It must be recognized that there is a remote possibility that sometime in the future a nation might develop the capability to use weather modification to inflict damage on the economy and civil population of another country.

they also noted the importance of trying to limit the scope of what could be done
;...and the panel encouraged the USG to go to the world with their findings and vow to use the new and rapidly evolving technology for peaceful purposes

My personal opinion is that Tesla (1856-1943) was an early pioneer with some of the electrical based methods for atmospheric/weather manipulation.

The book "Tesla - A Man Out Of Time" (M Cheney) records the following statements & events:

Tesla invented a type of transmitter (looked like "a ship with a towering mast") during his Colorado based experiments with lightning ...featuring "powerful radio signals [pulsed at very low frequencies" ...he later claimed it was his greatest invention.

Altering the jet stream, influencing the electrical properties of clouds and heating up expanses of ocean / atmosphere are all potential applications for this nearly 70 year old science experiment

So here are some other bits that illustrate how state sponsored weather manipulations a reality and continues on a wider scale

You should also note what's NOT present -- any degree of inquiry or formal evaluation from those who believe in man-made climate change --to ask whether or not weather manipulation has any impacts or influences on weather patterns.

United States Senate Bill (2005) to Establish the "Weather Modification, Research and Development Policy..."

This bill didn't pass through Congress but it's an interesting footprint showing us that the attempt to modify weather continued well past that early NSF publication.

Speculation in Australia regarding how cloud seeding efforts may have contributed ti extensive flooding in Tasmania:

Chinese Weather Engineers Will Prevent Rain from Falling on 91,000 seat Arena During Olympics:

This Site Uploaded NOAA Data Listing Ongoing US Weather Mod Programs

Academic Site with Weather-Mod Experts Listed:

The National Academy of Sciences Notes that More Should be Done
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If china is doing it, then we've been doing it for a long while now.

Now that this stuff is real, known, and acknowledged by govt, what's the stuff we don't know about? Giant lasers? Weaponized killer African bees?

*if they f with Mother Nature already, is it logical to believe they would f with agriculture (like GMO) to not just increase yield/production but also to effect those who eat it in some way?

And of course...aliens. They are always out there, and we must continue to advance our alien fighting capabilities. I'd like to believe that's true.
If china is doing it, then we've been doing it for a long while now.

Now that this stuff is real, known, and acknowledged by govt, what's the stuff we don't know about? Giant lasers? Weaponized killer African bees?

*if they f with Mother Nature already, is it logical to believe they would f with agriculture (like GMO) to not just increase yield/production but also to effect those who eat it in some way?

And of course...aliens. They are always out there, and we must continue to advance our alien fighting capabilities. I'd like to believe that's true.
Our government has been working with aliens since Roswell.

The sooner people realize that government is going to do what it wants regardless of any ethics the quicker they can open their mind to things like this. Most people are quick to shoot things down like weather medication and working with aliens because "our
Government wouldn't do that" or "they couldn't keep that under wraps".

If even a tiny fraction of the stuff that our government did or funded other people to do came public there would be mass riots all across the country.
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Castle, I lived it in my 8 years at Sandia Labs whose job it is to protect this nation, it's people, all of them, and our way of life from the very threat that N Korea now presents. If that idiot is stupid enough to launch a nuclear tipped missile at us we will shoot it down, and rain down hell on his world. Let's just say their technology is what we were working on 30 years, 3 decades ago. If your old enough think back to the 80's and how much has changed since. My clearance has long ago expired, but I assure you the people down there are doing things you and I can't even imagine.
Had an electronics supplier in Albuquerque and couldn't believe the dense layout of major primes and USG presence there - should have expected it like that - but oh well ---- I also should have avoided setting my hair on fire in that 4th grade church thing too