The Replay - Kentucky vs. Kentucky State


Gold Member
Dec 18, 2004
Here is the game replay for tonight's game. This is in download mode only right now but should eventually turn into a streaming link. My youtube account was pulled so I won't be uploading this there unfortunately I may have another place I can post it to so maybe be on the lookout for an additional link.

Kentucky vs. Kentucky State Download Link
Here is the game replay for tonight's game. This is in download mode only right now but should eventually turn into a streaming link. My youtube account was pulled so I won't be uploading this there unfortunately I may have another place I can post it to so maybe be on the lookout for an additional link.

Kentucky vs. Kentucky State Download Link
Mahalo BWO!!!

Won't let me download ? this the the message that I copy and paste.

Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.

Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
Thank you uk78 . Enjoyed watching that game and listening to good announcers.
Alohaaaaa CastleRubric !!!

Holding up well … well my hammock broke, but otherwise.. WELL!!! 😜

aloha brother

the time visited Hawaii - i was active duty USAF
and jumping on a series of "space-A" hops from
Alaska to
Washington to California finally to Hickham AFB HI where me and my fellow enlisted buddy Billy -- were so disoriented from the
time zones we just started slamming large beers around 10am ish --- facing AWOL cause we were broke and couldn't afford a
commercial ticket back to Japan where we were stationed.....

I remember thinking our luck couldn't be much worse then the USAF Police (SPs) -
literally pulled us over while walking and uaed their bullhorn to tell us to "Get your asses
off the nicely manicured grass on that traffic median!!!"

Billys momma bought tickets - we got enormously drunk -
i tried to enter the cockpit
Billy got cut
because "he knew me"

and i refused to sign customs papers at Narita airport - for the section marked "Reason for being in Japan"

i scrawled "WORLd war Two"!!!11

Air Japan - their patience DOES have

that was 1994 timeframe
crazy how fast it goes isn't it HI-Cat?
  • Haha
Reactions: Pygmy Sasquatch
aloha brother

the time visited Hawaii - i was active duty USAF
and jumping on a series of "space-A" hops from
Alaska to
Washington to California finally to Hickham AFB HI where me and my fellow enlisted buddy Billy -- were so disoriented from the
time zones we just started slamming large beers around 10am ish --- facing AWOL cause we were broke and couldn't afford a
commercial ticket back to Japan where we were stationed.....

I remember thinking our luck couldn't be much worse then the USAF Police (SPs) -
literally pulled us over while walking and uaed their bullhorn to tell us to "Get your asses
off the nicely manicured grass on that traffic median!!!"

Billys momma bought tickets - we got enormously drunk -
i tried to enter the cockpit
Billy got cut
because "he knew me"

and i refused to sign customs papers at Narita airport - for the section marked "Reason for being in Japan"

i scrawled "WORLd war Two"!!!11

Air Japan - their patience DOES have

that was 1994 timeframe
crazy how fast it goes isn't it HI-Cat?

Absolutely, life is like a vapor…

Watching replay. Thiero is solid, just like Fredrick. They know how to play the game.
Being a fan, that was such an electrifying match! Both teams gave it their all on the field. I can't help but want to have a heated discussion about the highlights of the game, and I am like that. I found a very interesting tool,ChatFans , to customize the discussion to your liking. Satisfy the desire for discussion
Hell yeah!!! Like you're enthusiasm. Must be really into it or really bored. I kinda feel sorry for ya, George. Hey though you keep on breaking that game film down and you might just find yourself down there on the "Field" beside Cal.. you might go places... Ya hear me George? Ya might. Mights grow on a chickens ass, but you might make it.
  • Haha
Reactions: Cowtown Cat
Hell yeah!!! Like you're enthusiasm. Must be really into it or really bored. I kinda feel sorry for ya, George. Hey though you keep on breaking that game film down and you might just find yourself down there on the "Field" beside Cal.. you might go places... Ya hear me George? Ya might. Mights grow on a chickens ass, but you might make it.


Out here bumping threads from last November, like a boss.
I hope you and yours are safe with the fires weve read about

Don't allow fear to roost in your heart, brother

That's not your Natural spirit

Aloha & say hey to your-mom-N-them
Aloha CastleRubic

We’re good here… live on Oahu…

Still major suffering going on Maui, the loss of life (111+) and the devastation of Lahaina is unbelievable …

Thank you for your kind comments…

With Aloha,
