The Louisville Porch Pooper

Doesn't say what part of town. Hell, this could be in my neighborhood for all I know.
If the homeowner beat the pooper unconscious with a beaseball bat, then shit on his face, would the homeowner face charges?
I rented a place near the beach for a while one summer and the guy above me was a complete a$$. playing nerf basketball with his kid and practically coming through the ceiling every night. My buddy suggest leaving a sack of crap next to his door. Never did it but sure thought about it, lol.
Yeah god forbid a guy play basketball with his kid, on vacation.
Probably one of the thousands of mentally ill homeless running around there now.
We have a reproduction period map of Lexington. The single largest structure in Lexington was the insane asylum. IIRC 1/7th of the population lived there. Since this was the 19th century I'm sure that it was described as humane while simultaneously being 2 steps from Hell. We -- human beings -- have never known what to do with the mad. To house and treat them humanely has always been a huge burden. Fortunately anti-biotics were discovered since most of insanity through history has been the result of infections, usually STDs. But there are still plenty of schizophrenics, drug-addicts, alcoholics, and bi-polar sufferers out there. Or people who suffer from autism or other conditions that make fitting in difficult.

But the important thing is to find someone to blame for this. Because every problem become lighter and less burdensome once blame has been affixed.
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I rented a place near the beach for a while one summer and the guy above me was a complete a$$. playing nerf basketball with his kid and practically coming through the ceiling every night. My buddy suggest leaving a sack of crap next to his door. Never did it but sure thought about it, lol.

I'm ashamed of this, but many years ago, after leaving old Nikki's Tavern in Richmond at around one in the morning, on our way back to our car, a good friend and I stopped and simultaneously pissed all over the front door of the apartment of a guy my friend disliked (for good reason, dude was a creep). We were both wasted, but frack, I don't do stuff like that, I don't know what got into me (well, I do know, it was about ten beers and some LITs). :(
We have a reproduction period map of Lexington. The single largest structure in Lexington was the insane asylum. IIRC 1/7th of the population lived there. Since this was the 19th century I'm sure that it was described as humane while simultaneously being 2 steps from Hell. We -- human beings -- have never known what to do with the mad. To house and treat them humanely has always been a huge burden. Fortunately anti-biotics were discovered since most of insanity through history has been the result of infections, usually STDs. But there are still plenty of schizophrenics, drug-addicts, alcoholics, and bi-polar sufferers out there. Or people who suffer from autism or other conditions that make fitting in difficult.

But the important thing is to find someone to blame for this. Because every problem become lighter and less burdensome once blame has been affixed.
I'm ashamed of this, but many years ago, after leaving old Nikki's Tavern in Richmond at around one in the morning, on our way back to our car, a good friend and I stopped and simultaneously pissed all over the front door of the apartment of a guy my friend disliked (for good reason, dude was a creep). We were both wasted, but frack, I don't do stuff like that, I don't know what got into me (well, I do know, it was about ten beers and some LITs). :(
I am not ashamed but many years ago we were out on Bardstown Road and ended up at Taco Bell. The employee locked the door in front of us and my friend put his finger down his throat and projectile vomited all over said door. The face of the employee was priceless. It wasnt closing time, she was just lazy and didnt want us in there.
  • Haha
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