The biggest hammer that could drop on UNC.


Blue Chip Prospect
Mar 25, 2015
As we all know UNC created a massive cheating scandal to keep athletes eligible for well over two decades in and amongst so many other wild outlandish incidents that they are almost impossible to keep up with. Wheels for Heels, Fats and the dental school, Grills for Heels, Tami Hansbrough the frequent flyer, Pell Grant Fraud, forging grades, forging signatures... it just never ends.

But what has yet to be put together and focused on are UNC's true motives and their penchant for using minorities as their scapegoats. First they create the fraud and place it in African American studies, then when they get caught they are heel bent on using the women's program as the scapegoat to take the fall for the men's program.

So exactly how many minorities does UNC get to throw under the bus before folks understand that not only is there a huge problem with the integrity of the folks that are running that circus, but that they also have a glaring penchant for exploiting minorities and women?

If the folks that are normally sensitive to these matters start asking questions like "Why did you pick African American studies to conduct your fraud in? Was it because you already viewed it as worthless?" and "How can you possibly expect everyone to believe this massive fraud was perpetuated to help the women's team? Why are you now trying to throw women under the bus because you got caught throwing African American studies under the bus?" Also, "Why are all the employees UNC has offered up as scapegoats been women and minorities such as Julius Nyang'oro and Debbie Crowder?" Yet all the white guys like Roy Williams and his hand picked buddy Wayne Walden get off scott-free? Not to mention the entire scam was created under the careful watch of Dean Smith and the current ACC Commisioner John Swofford... what do all of these guys have in common?

Clearly UNC in their poisonous minds first felt African American Studies was not worthy of serious academic study and now clearly they think women's sports is something that can conveniently be discarded because it is inherently worth less than the men's program is.

There are serious issues with the leadership at UNC and they go far beyond sport. The complete lack of integrity in offering up their academic reputation to try and save their athletic accomplishments is one thing, but the pattern of exploiting minorities and women have been inexcusable and reveal much deeper and more insidious problem with UNC leadership than NCAA infractions. UNC for all intents and purposes is a modern day plantation and Master is not going to give up their trophies easily when so many "worthless" bodies are about and ready to be sacrificed.
The racial element has always been the most offensive part of UNC's discretions IMO.

The problem is that it's okay for certain groups to be racist for some reason...
Where is "Rev." Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton ? O wait there is no money to be made by them going to UNC*** !
Exactly. This is a real tangible example of blatant exploitation because UNC felt these mostly minority athletes were too dumb to succeed on their own and thus did not deserve a legitimate education and they tried to hide it in the very program designed to teach them about their heritage. That is as conniving as it is callous and even now as they are caught red handed they're trying to perpetuate the idea that the women did the cheating and that a few minority staff on campus came up with the whole scheme. Amazing they have not been called to the carpet on this by the plethora of organizations that are supposed to look out for women and minorities... not to mention the obvious ones you cite in your post.
While they may have thought the AFAM line of studies was worthless, what I think is the reason they focused on putting the majority of the scam in there was they thought they could be the ones to play the race card if anyone ever questioned the legitimacy of that program. They thought they could hide their scam safely in that program and nobody would question it because of the nature of the program. That's my opinion anyway.
All the more insulting. They will offer endless lies as cover for their actions... but their actions are what has revealed them. Right now they are furiously trying to lay this entire fiasco at the feet of the women's basketball team so that the men's team can skate. When they needed scapegoats they went looking for women and minorities while giving a free pass and more importantly vouching for the old white guys. The club. The ones that are important and should be protected. All else is filth to be disposed of as it simply does not matter to them just the same as the academic reputation of their university means nothing to them. What more... WHAT MORE... could point to an out of control leadership that needs nuked out of existence?

There is no rehabilitation here. This demands amputation or it will continue to spread. If the NCAA gets this wrong it will be disastrous.
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The nature of the academic fraud should be investigated thoroughly by SACS . No way they can overlook that....
They did the fake class in African American Studies is because they didn't want anyone to question the motives of it. If anybody questions it they will tell them they are racist then you continue the fraud. Simple as that.
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^I understand that. But in order to select that program for the fraud you have to decide the real class content is not important to the actual "education" of the athlete/students. You are creating a joke out of a course about most of the very participants heritage. That is insidious. They're too dumb to pass otherwise and this course is a bunch of crap so we'll use it as cover for our benefit. We'll get more bonuses (key element of fraud is the benefit derived from the fraud) and insulate ourselves inside this course on African American Studies, then when we get caught we'll find a few more minorities to pawn it all off on and then if the NCAA does come calling we'll claim we did it all for women's basketball.

Seriously, if that is not white male arrogance nothing is.
That Dean Smith was a crafty *******. Takes a black guy for a cup of coffee at his friends restaurant and as a result gets credit for desegregating the entire state.

A light bulb goes off in his head. He sets up the AFAM scam to cheat the same minorities out of an education that he's credited for helping. Perfect cheating scheme with plenty of cover.
That Dean Smith was a crafty *******. Takes a black guy for a cup of coffee at his friends restaurant and as a result gets credit for desegregating the entire state.

A light bulb goes off in his head. He sets up the AFAM scam to cheat the same minorities out of an education that he's credited for helping. Perfect cheating scheme with plenty of cover.

The part that few mention is that the restaurant remained segregated after that event. 2 years later, that same restaurant was the focus on the civil rights movement because it hadn't integrated.
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Thorough reponse OP, and its a shame the NCAA won't put as much time into their investigation as you did reviewing what appear to be facts for the past 2+ decades.
My question is how can Roy make it this far while every other administrator involved in the scandal has been pushed out early or sent to retirement?

The truth needs to come out, yet officials like Bubba aren't interested in doing the right thing. So many obvious diversons with all the links to UNC alumni that controlled the prior half-acted investigations.

I'm totally confused about anyone who would come out and say good things about Roy Williams. This guy has been allowing this since he came back to Chapel Hill. Wasn't it Dean Smith who told Matt Doh not to make any changes to the 'system' in place?

Those transcripts tell the story, but the NCAA doesn't seem like they are interested in finding out the entire sham that went on.
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I would just like to thank our fellow posters over on Pack Pride for picking up my post and putting it on their board. All college basketball fans that truly care about the sport are indebted to those folks for bringing this terrible scandal to light and refusing to allow it to be swept under the rug.

They are very complimentary on the post and I am flattered that they are forwarding it to DK:
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I would just like to thank our fellow posters over on Pack Pride for picking up my post and putting it on their board. All college basketball fans that truly care about the sport are indebted to those folks for bringing this terrible scandal to light and refusing to allow it to be swept under the rug.

They are very complimentary on the post and I am flattered that they are forwarding it to DK:

As I said in the other thread, isn't it insane that it's NCstate pinning their asses to the wall and not Duke? It's time for the media and the fans of these schools to end the charade. There's no hate, there's no anger, and there's no real heat. I honestly don't believe for a second Duke and UNC are a top 3 rivalry in college hoops. Maybe top 5-8, but nothing more.
Not gonna intrude on your forum...not too much anyway...but it's reassuring to find other fans who recognize the racist exploitation involved in the unx scam. It's the elephant in the room that very few wanna talk about. I DO know this though. unx has done one more bang-up job of running a modern day plantation and have their fans and alums sign off on it. It's disgusting. Anyway , before I over-stay my welcome , I'm just gonna leave you guys with some links I think you'll be interested in that deal with this subject...

1) Some unx students complaining. Some astonishing numbers that illustrates just how "diverse" the "people's university" is. Incoming class of 2017. 4000 new students. 98 were black. Of that 98 , 30+ were jocks. No shortage of racist landmarks on campus either. WTF...?

2) Part of the problem at unx is the complicity of other blacks. The CBC and Deb Stroman are particularly reprehensible. Forward to about the 16:00 mark. She defends the scam and demonizes the athletes for taking part in it. Deb should be much better known than she is. A real low-life...

3) One reason good ol' Deb might be in favor of keeping athletes eligible via fraud is the fact she has a business...representing athletes. Heck , if unx can't keep these guys in school , they'd flunk out ( or never be admitted to begin with! ) and , golly gee! , no one ever made a buck reppin' an athlete who worked at McDonald's...

4) Cookie Newsom worked at unx and pulls zero punches about the culture there...

5) Her Twitter...

6) Rev. Marcia Shoop. Her husband coached at unx with Butch. He's at Purdue now ( I think? ) Anyway , she's written extensively about this issue. Here's one of here blog posts...

7) Her Twitter...

8) Sir Charles on Roy and unx...

I want to say one final word on the subject. This is a line of attack that will get results. All of UNC's pawns and all their political connections will not be able to save them if this line of questioning is pursued to its fullest. They have left themselves wide open because, frankly, they are blind as to what their response to this scandal has revealed about their true nature.
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They're running with this on Pack Pride. One poster just answered the following but I can't respond to him as I am not registered over there but I think this is a very important point. The poster replied:

6th Man
9358 posts this site

I can answer that. First, they knew they the head of the department was willing to play ball. Second, they knew the white liberal faculty and administrators at UNC would be very uncomfortable and reluctant to question or criticize anything going on in that department.​

Exactly. That's why you want UNC to answer that question, because in answering it they must admit to the very definition of exploitation. This was not done for the benefit of the athletes, this was done and conceived as a means to cheat these young men out of their education for the financial gain of the university and they intentionally cloaked it in African American Studies as they assumed the very nature of that course would discourage careful examination... and that in itself is as insidious as racism gets.

That is not only crucial in making them admit to exploitation, it is also a critical element in establishing fraud. Make UNC explain why that fraudulent program was established and who established it and they will be hoisted on their own petard.

UNC has spent a fortune on PR to make it seem as though AFAM was the only course the cheating occurred in and also that this is "just" an academic issue... so turn all that PR back on them and say "Okay, this is what you wanted the argument to be so now explain why? Why did you pick African American Studies for your academic fraud? Because you assumed those that would need it were going to be... African Americans... that's why. You wanted a course that nobody would be surprised that so many African Americans were taking. Because your entire premise was that African Americans were going to be the ones that needed fake classes to stay eligible. So instead of helping them you decided to use them for your own gain and you did not care if you educated them or not... because they were African Americans. From there things get mighty uncomfortable.
Thorough reponse OP, and its a shame the NCAA won't put as much time into their investigation as you did reviewing what appear to be facts for the past 2+ decades.
My question is how can Roy make it this far while every other administrator involved in the scandal has been pushed out early or sent to retirement?

The truth needs to come out, yet officials like Bubba aren't interested in doing the right thing. So many obvious diversons with all the links to UNC alumni that controlled the prior half-acted investigations.

I'm totally confused about anyone who would come out and say good things about Roy Williams. This guy has been allowing this since he came back to Chapel Hill. Wasn't it Dean Smith who told Matt Doh not to make any changes to the 'system' in place?

Those transcripts tell the story, but the NCAA doesn't seem like they are interested in finding out the entire sham that went on.

My wife worked at a major SEC football school. The coaches always knew what the players were doing, what courses they were enrolled in, and what the grades were. This was done on a weekly basis. Once an academic vice president contacted her.

What UNC seems to be doing is setting up a sysem for plausible deniability.
Lord Crow, your view on this is EXACTLY how I've looked at it from the beginning.

I couldn't articulate it nearly as well as you did...

I applaud you for your post!

You absolutely nailed it!!
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Im not holding out hope but i will be more surprised if uncheat gets hammered. Im so sick of hearing about the carolina way and all of their smug posters over there. Whether they get a slap or get slammed, they are forever tainted and should never talk about any other programs indiscretions. What they did by not giving their athletes a real education is worse than anything ever perpetrated in college athletics other than sandusky at psu.
^I understand that. But in order to select that program for the fraud you have to decide the real class content is not important to the actual "education" of the athlete/students. You are creating a joke out of a course about most of the very participants heritage. That is insidious. They're too dumb to pass otherwise and this course is a bunch of crap so we'll use it as cover for our benefit. We'll get more bonuses (key element of fraud is the benefit derived from the fraud) and insulate ourselves inside this course on African American Studies, then when we get caught we'll find a few more minorities to pawn it all off on and then if the NCAA does come calling we'll claim we did it all for women's basketball.

Seriously, if that is not white male arrogance nothing is.

No I don't think it's white male arrogance. I took some Afro American classes in college and it was easy as pie. No real work like biology, chemistry etc. Matter of fact their were a lot of other athletes in the classes like football players and such.
We always tried to get classes with black professors who taught the classes cause they were going to be easier for us. As a kid your not really wantin to pick the hardest professors or the hardest classes especially if your also having to go to practice and team functions and travel.

I had one class where a new penn st graduate taught and I thought he was gonna be cool but he wasn't. He was harder than the white professors were.
I don't think it has nothing to do with white privledge or being male. Everything with the mens bb program being the golden calf and that image they are trying to protect. All others be damned.

Let me put it to you like my job they brought in a new manager and he was black and all my friends loved it cause they were saying we ain't gotta do shit now.

If ur blk you know what I'm talking about and don't put this off on white people in that regards. Just being real

It was racists to tell recruits who were wanting to major in one field and tell them no your going to be in African American studies. That's racist!! they trying to tell a young blk man that he's too stupid or can't apply himself to be who he wants to be. Let that young man find his way his path in life, he won't know who is if he has others telling him what when and where.

But them sticking free grades in African studies was more about not wanting people to dig around in it and question the motives.
This UNC scandal is helping me get through Summer. They are reeling on IC....reality is starting to set in over there
This UNC scandal is helping me get through Summer. They are reeling on IC....reality is starting to set in over there
you must be reading a different IC than I am.....all i can see is they think this is a small irritation for recruiting while they are on their way to a natty.......that the worst is over, and nothing is going to vacate.

the arrogance there is stifling.....
They are hide there real feeling what is going to happen or the NCAA has told them they not going to do any vacating.