We're the same fan base, passionate!! I'm from just outside Cincy, grew up as most in Ohio, Reds, Bengals and The Ohio State University. I have one exception that separates me from most, we had a very close friend play b-ball at uk and was an All American, Kevin Grevey. When Kevin went to the NBA finals my family stayed with Kevin at his home is Washington DC. I was approximately 4 years old. Kevin had a younger brother Norm, that eventually played at UD. My brother and Norm are the same age. My father ran Junior Pro basketball for the state of Ohio. Kevin used to call Joe B and he would allow my father to bring us to memorial coliseum several times through the year to watch practice. I developed a good relationship with Mr. Keightley. Thanks to Mr Keightley I have an autographed jersey from the 1996 national championship team. I even have a photo of myself as a very young man with Joe B and John Wooden as coach Wooden was in one day to attend practice. I LOVE Kentucky basketball, and I love Ohio State football. We're the same passionate fane base that demands excellence. We are the exact same fan base!!