Couldn't agree more. If I was a UNCheat fan, today's ruling would have me more nervous not less.Whistling past the graveyard. I could not disagree more. You take down a banner because a kid who had not even committed to the program yet got comped to a hooker on a recruiting trip. But you DON'T take down a banner when a kid (Rashad McCants to name one) was given unearned grades in classes never attended to stay eligible while already attending the university? That would strike me as insane. Which kid's eligibility to compete in an NCAA event was most directly affected by the improper behavior?
Whistling past the graveyard. I could not disagree more. You take down a banner because a kid who had not even committed to the program yet got comped to a hooker on a recruiting trip. But you DON'T take down a banner when a kid (Rashad McCants to name one) was given unearned grades in classes never attended to stay eligible while already attending the university? That would strike me as insane. Which kid's eligibility to compete in an NCAA event was most directly affected by the improper behavior?
I don't know that UofL can refuse to abide by the penalties. I suppose they could thumb their nose at the NCAA and refuse to take down the banner and continue to reference it in media guides. But if they do all that then the NCAA could refuse to allow their athletics teams to participate in NCAA sanctioned events. In essence they would be giving themselves a death penalty.One decision may have nothing to do with the other. But, if I were UL, I would tell the NCAA until they see equal treatment to UNC, they will not abide by their decision. I am not supporting UL. I am simply saying that RP (who I know my view is unpopular here) likely didn't know about the strippers and still got a wrist slap, then Ole Roy should have his wrist removed in comparison. The interesting thing is which is worse, strippers for underage recruits (but certainly not babies); or more than a decade of academic fraud where students were made eligible with complete cheating by the University itself and focused on what college is supposed to be about = education (whether that is laughable or not)?
I agree but I don't know if the NCAA will. Hookers are way juicier than non-existent paper classes, even if UNC's violations went on longer and were way more far-reaching.Odd logic. If anything, it sounds bad for them to me. You can't come down this hard and then basically ignore the worst academic scandal in history.