Still no updates on Love or Provitt?

I would bet the will all be here but there is not an announcement when a player shows up. Stoops has done an amazing job recruiting and he got studs who will be here.
It will be August before we know about the 5 guys not here. They are taking classes. Just from reading around I think gosier is gonna be good. Not sure about the other 4.
Patrick Loney reportedly said Provitt is planning to be on campus within the month. But, until he arrives, it is just a plan.
The 5 players who haven't enrolled yet, even if they are already cleared by the NCAA, aren't allowed to enroll until August 1 due to UK's academic calendar (player's who enroll early must be enrolled in summer classes).

Thanks for the info.
I would bet the will all be here but there is not an announcement when a player shows up. Stoops has done an amazing job recruiting and he got studs who will be here.
That's basically it. When the team reports in August, we will know. In the meantime, we generally don't know unless someone actually sees the player in Lexington and posts it, or unless the player tweets something about it.
The 5 players who haven't enrolled yet, even if they are already cleared by the NCAA, aren't allowed to enroll until August 1 due to UK's academic calendar (player's who enroll early must be enrolled in summer classes).

With the Ky media it's virtually impossible to find out who has reported and who hasn't. None seem to have the wherewithall to try to find out.

No but they'll hide their sorry assess in a dumpster to see what kind of car a UK basketball player drives or go to the DMV to see who owns it. Or....they win a Pulitzer by writing about them.