Speed-Quickness-Handles-First Step..Ky guards poll

From the thread title who you think meets criteria best?

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Why don't you spell the UK players name right. You've had a chance to change it by now.
Why don't you spell the UK players name right. You've had a chance to change it by now.

The spelling on the clippers is the same as the way the OP spelled John Wall. He was agreeing with you.

I looked quickly and didn't see the OP as it is smaller letters at the top. I took it when BlueA... responded it was him. My take was, I didn't know the inside joke but I understand now. (Glad I wasn't too abrasive...) :)

It has always bothered me when UK players names are butchered. (Makes you wonder if they are actually UK fans...jmo)
why is this post so fast paste? Its obviously a blur answer or maybe a blurb.

damn rondo for his paste anyway.
Ralph Beard belongs on this list as well. Hell, he was better than Cousy, and that's saying something.
I enjoy your posts.
Never saw Beard play.
Just remember my father saying when Ky. fastbreaked the ball rarely touched the floor.
You didn't list shooting so I don't see how anyone can seriously make any choice but John Wall. First step is the only aspect where he's even mortal. His handles are otherwordly when he slows down to play near everyone else's speed.
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