So....wasn't the UNC response released? The public version? What did it say?


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2003
If this has been discussed I apologize in advance. I'm sure it was just more thumb-nosing but was there anything substantially new that came from it---if it has been made public?
They argued that since Auburn and Michigan weren't punished for similar crimes, they shouldn't be either. They also argued that the extra benefits alleged do not classify as extra benefits because they were available to general students as well.

Basically, they're ****ed
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They argued that since Auburn and Michigan weren't punished for similar crimes, they shouldn't be either. They also argued that the extra benefits alleged do not classify as extra benefits because they were available to general students as well.

Basically, they're ****ed

I must have missed the part in the NCAA reports that the Wheels for Heels program included free rental cars to the average student.
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Is there a link to the UNC response? I don't know (certainly doesn't mean it hasn't happened) of any school managing a systemic fraudulent eligibility program---for 20+ years. Where's the analogy?
I've kind of checked out of this saga since the NCAA has just dragged its feet, were going on what now 4 years? For those in the know, does it seem UNC men's hoop is facing any type of serious punishment, or are we looking at more bs and maybe a slap on the wrist?
I've kind of checked out of this saga since the NCAA has just dragged its feet, were going on what now 4 years? For those in the know, does it seem UNC men's hoop is facing any type of serious punishment, or are we looking at more bs and maybe a slap on the wrist?
I expect to see James Comey and Donald Trump chuckling over a tea party before I'd expect any sort of resolution in the UNC saga.
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I must have missed the part in the NCAA reports that the Wheels for Heels program included free rental cars to the average student.
It's a damn shame that UNC is trying to challenge the NCAA on the AFAM stuff, when the NCAA has willingly looked the other way on MANY other shenanigans. I'm hoping the friction between the 2 institutions will prevent the NCAA from doing that in the future.
First notice of allegations: NCAA hit em pretty hard but left some things out.
First UNC response: UNC lawyered up bigtime

2nd notice of allegations: NCAA removed football and basketball and made it much more palatable.
2nd UNC response: UNC hires even more lawyers and gives the NCAA a big middle finger.

3rd notice of allegations: NCAA buys a bigger hammer and puts everything back in (except, apparently for the wheels for heels program details)
3rd UNC response: EFF YOU NCAA. Let's go to court.