So, David Pollack and Desmond Howard

Howard is great on GameDay, which is meant to be more fun than a straight newscast style program. Pollack is kind of boring, but isn't bad. They should have had Reece Davis on there since Fowler is calling the game. He keeps everyone on track, like Ernie on TNT.
Howard is great on GameDay, which is meant to be more fun than a straight newscast style program. Pollack is kind of boring, but isn't bad. They should have had Reece Davis on there since Fowler is calling the game. He keeps everyone on track, like Ernie on TNT.

Someone has sympathy for Pollack after he broke his neck. Sort of like Jay Williams and that bike accident.
Thought the half time thing was lame as shit .. preview of a video ? leave it to the NCAA to screw up something that coulda been large .