Simmons or Fox...

Oct 13, 2012
I always believe a bird in the hand is worth more than two in a bush.

That being said, I doubt Fox comes to UK if Simmons commits. That leads me to wanting to get others thoughts on the matter? We want guys that want to be at UK and it sure seems like Simmons fits that mold - but with the likelihood of atleast one of our PGs returning next year, do we hope Simmons waits on his commitment - or go ahead and take him!

Can't believe that even crosses our minds, as he is a top 20 recruit that schools would die to be in the conversation to have a chance at...
history says Cal will wait on the guy he really wants even if it means losing out on a talented recruit. since it is very likely UK will have ulis, mathews, and mulder back i can see Cal holding out for a true difference maker. i think it all depends on how good Cal think mathews and mulder are to be honest. if these guys are legit stars down the road, you probably take simmons now, use him as depth. if you dont, you hold out for fox who might be the best PG to come into college the last 2-3 years.
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I'm with @BostonCat2001 on this one: dependent on our current players, we add the piece that is most 'needed'.

I think Sept 19th is going to be an interesting day because it'll give us an insight into how Cal is playing the 2016 class. From what I'm hearing, Fox is the guy we really want, but if Simmons wants to be here it'll be hard to turn him down.

I'm curious to see how others respond to this...
I always believe a bird in the hand is worth more than two in a bush.

That being said, I doubt Fox comes to UK if Simmons commits. That leads me to wanting to get others thoughts on the matter?

A bird in the hand is not necessarily the decisive factor when Calipari makes this kind of a decision. All sources agree that Fox is the better player, although Simmons is also a good 1. If Simmons really wants to play for Kentucky, the pressure is on him to commit now. But Fox seems to lean toward Kentucky, so Calipari will have to work this out. This is why he makes the big bucks. I want Fox and Monk.
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If we get monk, bridges, fox, and simmons.I think simmons comes off the bench for us if we get all of them
Let the best in the business work his magic...I think Cal wants and expects BOTH...and maybe Monk to boot!
Fox is a great point guard. Simmons is more of a tweener. Simmons could play along side Fox if necessary. Personally, I'd like to see Fox and Monk at UK. That would give UK maybe their best backcourt in a long time.
If Simmons wants to commit then come on down. He's a 5 star in one of the most talented, guard loaded class in sometime. It's a no brainer.
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Seems clear to me Cal is selling the "positionless" players theme to the recruits and it fits perfectly with Simmons. Simmons Father is convinced this is a valid concept and applies to his son who is a 3 position player. It becomes easy to show both Simmons and Fox they can co-exist on the same roster. This being the case, I think Simmons commits and does not affect Fox. (Unless Fox listens to what the other coaches and teams will be telling him)
People don't seem to take into account if the players want to do that. I'd say most of the time they would not.
If we get monk, bridges, fox, and simmons.I think simmons comes off the bench for us if we get all of them
That's exactly why we won't get Fox, Simmons, and Monk. Simmons is 1 of the top players in the country. He won't sign anywhere to come off the bench. The tea leaves are saying we will get Monk plus 1 out of Fox and Simmons. Hopefully Fox, since he is the better player.
I like both of them, so luckily UK has the best there is doing this so I aint worried either way.
its not either or. both with be wildcats if today was the day. both players are not selfish so both are fine with playing together.
Let's hope this is not Act 2 of the Brown-Blakeney play that we saw last recruiting season. Blakeney wanted to come to U.K. so bad he could taste it. Cal told him he was going to wait on Brown, and Blakeney signed with LSU. And here we sit.

Let's hope this is not Act 2 of the Brown-Blakeney play that we saw last recruiting season. Blakeney wanted to come to U.K. so bad he could taste it. Cal told him he was going to wait on Brown, and Blakeney signed with LSU. And here we sit.

Nope totally different as Simmons will be committing here all signs point to on the 19th. Fox hopefully a month or so later.
That's exactly why we won't get Fox, Simmons, and Monk. Simmons is 1 of the top players in the country. He won't sign anywhere to come off the bench. The tea leaves are saying we will get Monk plus 1 out of Fox and Simmons. Hopefully Fox, since he is the better player.

Didn't we just have a bunch of top 20/30 players come to UK and come off the bench this past year?
Do you guys think Fox waits till the spring? With UK leading and KU 2nd I can see him waiting till the spring to see how the rosters shake out. Mainly to see if Briscoe (likely) and/or Ulis goes pro (unlikely) or Mason (very unlikely) and/or Selden (less than 50%) go pro.
Do you guys think Fox waits till the spring? With UK leading and KU 2nd I can see him waiting till the spring to see how the rosters shake out. Mainly to see if Briscoe (likely) and/or Ulis goes pro (unlikely) or Mason (very unlikely) and/or Selden (less than 50%) go pro.
Having Wayne Selden, RSCI #13 in the 2013 recruiting class, playing 4 years of college basketball, would truly be an epic "accomplishment" for Bill Self. It's one thing to have highly rated recruits come in, struggle, and leave after 1 year. Pretty easy to blame the player for that. It's something else entirely to have a guy come in as a freshman with lottery expectations, get progressively worse, then end up as 4 year afterthought player with no NBA future.
Do you guys think Fox waits till the spring? With UK leading and KU 2nd I can see him waiting till the spring to see how the rosters shake out. Mainly to see if Briscoe (likely) and/or Ulis goes pro (unlikely) or Mason (very unlikely) and/or Selden (less than 50%) go pro.

i doubt ku is second. and why/where would mason and seldon go? they are 4 year players
i doubt ku is second. and why/where would mason and seldon go? they are 4 year players

You must have missed what I put in ( ). I don't see either going pro. Selden maybe if he has a decent year could see him jumping even just on a mid-2nd round projection.

Also KU seems to be in 2nd. He said right after he trimmed his list that KU and UK were the only 2 schools he was for certain would receive a visit. Whether KU is a distant 2nd seems to be more in question.
Let's hope this is not Act 2 of the Brown-Blakeney play that we saw last recruiting season. Blakeney wanted to come to U.K. so bad he could taste it. Cal told him he was going to wait on Brown, and Blakeney signed with LSU. And here we sit.


We sit with Murray, who we absolutely wouldn't have if Blakeney were here. I think that worked out pretty well, as I truly believe Murray is better than any guard (and any wing, including Brown, for that matter) entering college basketball this year.
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We sit with Murray, who we absolutely wouldn't have if Blakeney were here. I think that worked out pretty well, as I truly believe Murray is better than any guard (and any wing, including Brown, for that matter) entering college basketball this year.

Haha, exactly. Besides, how does @Ripcord65 know what Cal told Blakeney? This board cracks me up.
I think Cal takes the first three of the Simmons/Fox/Monk/Alkins group to commit, plus Bridges, who he plays at the 3/4.

C - Lee
F - Bridges
F - Alkins or Simmons
G - Monk or Alkins
G - Fox or Simmons
history says Cal will wait on the guy he really wants even if it means losing out on a talented recruit. since it is very likely UK will have ulis, mathews, and mulder back i can see Cal holding out for a true difference maker. i think it all depends on how good Cal think mathews and mulder are to be honest. if these guys are legit stars down the road, you probably take simmons now, use him as depth. if you dont, you hold out for fox who might be the best PG to come into college the last 2-3 years.

We want both.
If both have commit dates on September 19th I would want Fox, but since that's not the case, in light of last years surprise of elite talent picking elsewhere (even though it turned out good) you gotta go with the earlier one especially if you are in good standing. I think Kobi will be a great Cal PG but I just really like Fox