SIAP new field

Make a big flashy loud eye catching midfield logo. A Wildcat 30 yds wide. Or the new dumb staple remover symbol that Barnhart brought in, with bright neon blue.

Do something to get folks attention during ESPN highlights. Make people know that it is Kentucky by eye memory without being told by announcers or the screen it is The Krog field.
We need to start a grass roots petition to bring back the power K
I would avoid the old “grass roots,” metaphor when speaking of field/turf issues. :)

I have a compromise: the Power K, but in checkerboard!! Add a little chartreuse to the Blue and White and . . . .

that should satisfy everybody!!

Better yet, a Cardinal head at midfield: stomp the Hell out of it every home game!!

[We can’t do L’s down on the field; from some perspectives it would be L’s up, so banish the thought!!].
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My main complaints about how it's looked in recent years:

- the turf and the blue end zone have looked too dark and drab, especially at night or under cloudy skies (maybe the lights and repaint will help?)
- the midfield logo is too small...doesn't make any kind of statement
- like most people, I don't enjoy our Houston or birds logos increasing the size doesn't truly fix anything
Bermuda grass is nice but by the first week of October its lifespan is gone and the middle of the field between the 35's becomes a muddy sloppy mess once it rains. Also, the first weekend in December the KY High School Football State Championships are now played there because UK finally got turf.

Making that trip to Bowling Green (WKU) from the Eastern-most part of the State was a long haul (6 hours)...especially for the players having to ride cramped up school busses because they could not afford charters.
I have a great idea, go back to the beginning of FB and play on dirt with markers every twenty yards.. That way when we play hme games in the mud it will be like a mud wrestling match....

Keep the turf it works... But change that stupid UK in the middle, at least go back to the original UK logo..... The power K would be better than what we have now and I am not especially fond of the power K... Too many losses while it was there....

Be happy..the checkerboards are gone. The "Power K" will never come back and who would want it back? It just represented the 2-9 years...getting stomped by Vanderbilt 40-0. No Thanks! Kids don't want to come to a program that uses logos from the 1960's. Leave the past in the past. Do you also want UK's original colors of Blue and Yellow to come back as well?
Boo. Go back to natural grass you lazy b-turds.
We're anti-environment & for global warming:

"Artificial grass can contribute to global warming by absorbing significantly more radiation than living grass and, to a lesser extent, by displacing living plants that could remove carbon dioxide through photosynthesis."

Bermuda grass is nice but by the first week of October its lifespan is gone and the middle of the field between the 35's becomes a muddy sloppy mess once it rains.
When UK had bermuda, field did not get muddy. Turf was tough. Plenty of crown in middle for good drainage, tough to complete down & outs. I actually loved the brown field in November with blue line markings. Definitely different.
The reason for dumping grass and going to turf 9 yrs ago was grass couldn't take frequent practice time in addition to all the games. Stoops wanted his guys in the stadium getting used to the atmosphere, esp in August.
We're anti-environment & for global warming:

"Artificial grass can contribute to global warming by absorbing significantly more radiation than living grass and, to a lesser extent, by displacing living plants that could remove carbon dioxide through photosynthesis."

Global alarmists contribute more to global warming than turf because they blow hot CO2 laced air 24/7.
Let's officially put the checkerboard era to rest. I don't hate it on football like I did basketball, but I am just fatigued in general from it. I do miss the real grass, but a lot of programs are moving away from it so at least this turf looks better without the checkerboard endzones.
Cant tell if you're serious or just retarded.
Why call someone names man? That's not cool at all. Being Mentally Impaired is NOTHING to make fun of. I have a job at UK and I have a college degree, so to imply that I am what you called me is a bit irrational. Not sure why you chose to make a personal attack against me, you don't even know me.
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Why call someone names man? That's not cool at all. Being Mentally Impaired is NOTHING to make fun of. I have a job at UK and I have a college degree, so to imply that I am what you called me is a bit irrational. Not sure why you chose to make a personal attack against me, you don't even know me.
Not calling you a name it's just a slang word to me. Apologies if offended.