season tickets (10 game pkg.)

Jan 24, 2009
Sec 212 row M good seats. Look straight down on Ky bench. call 502-418-9376. $1,000.00. Includes Arizona State, 5 conference games.
Little steep
The cost of the tickets total $920.00. The over for each ticket is $4.00. Pretty reasonable if you ask me. Use them for Christmas present, birthdays, have anniversary dinner and a game. That is how you use a season ticket package.
12 rows in upper deck looking straight down on Ky bench. Includes Az. State and five conference games with only 1 exhibition game. call 502-418-9376. $1,ooo.oo.
Used to be tickets were all the same face value, starting last year UK moved to a dynamic pricing structure.
So now it really depends on who the opponents are. 2 less games at home but our package was more.
Ottawa, NJ tech, BostonU., Ill. ST., Az. St., Ole Miss, Miss. ST., Missouri, Georgia, Alabama. Better than the other ten game pkg which included two exhibition games. A good deal for someone who wants to have 10 games solid and be able to plan around them.
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