When I posted this I wasn't "trolling" as someone so eloquently put it. I don't think you can read much into the number of arrests over 5 years really. I'd much rather have a bunch of kids drinking under the age of 21 than 3 kids brutally raping a girl. That said, seeing all these SEC schools is a reminder that all of our programs can do a better job. Any time you have a bunch of 18-22 year old kids, there are occasionally going to be issues, but are we handling them in ways that create teachable moments?
Also, what is the trend? Are off field issues going up at a school or down? I think it's been troubling at Tennessee to see the sexual assault accusations going up. That seems to be an increasing problem at many schools across the country. So far I appreciate the way that coaching staff has handled those situations, but the fact that there have been several is cause for concern. UK had one of those and I'll leave for others to determine whether it was handled correctly, but the staff certainly acted swiftly and decisively.