SDS - Top 25 football teams with most arrests in past 5 years.

Doesn't count as an arrest at Louisville when their defensive end was arrested at TCU. As is it is with all other transfers.
Yeah, this was posted and already got deleted yesterday due to UofL trolls, the OP trolling and idiots in general.

All I'll say is a heavy amount of UK's arrests are for guys playing with BB guns or something. Yawn.
Why do people need to spread these lies. The fact Turtle Neck Tom has ties with the police and news just means that the thugs don't get arrested, and if they are, it doesn't get reported.

I trust our men on campus. Their boys are causing a lot more trouble.

11 of the top 25 are SEC teams, UK tied for 12th. UL isn't listed. That makes me a little nauseous to be honest.

Ironic that Vandy isn't in the top 80 but 3 of theirs have been convicted of crimes worse than any of UGA's kids and they tried to cover it up. I know its a law and kids aren't suppose to drink until they reach 21, but being arrested for underage consumption of alcohol is just plain silly. If the legal age had been 21 during my time in college there wouldn't have been many days I wasn't at risk of being arrested and I turned out ok. I am not talking drinking and driving, I am talking going to grab a pizza, going to a nightspot and drinking a couple of beers. I have always felt if a kid is old enough to decide he wants to fight for our country and possibly die, regardless if he chooses not to, or old enough to decide who he wants to run our country by voting he is old enough to decide if he wants a beer or not. All of UGA's arrest haven't been underage consumption, a few have been for driving without a license, not suspended, just never got one, so many that the athletic department hired someone to make sure if they had access to a vehicle that they had a valid driver's license. But we have had more than a share of more serious offenses too.

But many of these kids come from backgrounds where getting arrested isn't a big deal, they see someone, many times family members or friends, getting arrested, it just becomes part of growing up. I guess my point is underage consumption, driving without a license aren't on the same level as sexual assault, but Vandy is singled out for having the fewest arrest with no mention of how serious those crimes were. Its the same as 3 getting arrested for jaywalking, maybe they need to break it down into felony arrest.
A whole lot of teams that have won a whole lot of football games on that list
10 of those on Tenn was from a party where they was cited for underage drinking. 1 other was the Colman Thomas deal where he was arrested for theft but later cleared because KPD had the wrong person. They even issued an apology to him.
10 of those on Tenn was from a party where they was cited for underage drinking. 1 other was the Colman Thomas deal where he was arrested for theft but later cleared because KPD had the wrong person. They even issued an apology to him.

did you get that email?
When I posted this I wasn't "trolling" as someone so eloquently put it. I don't think you can read much into the number of arrests over 5 years really. I'd much rather have a bunch of kids drinking under the age of 21 than 3 kids brutally raping a girl. That said, seeing all these SEC schools is a reminder that all of our programs can do a better job. Any time you have a bunch of 18-22 year old kids, there are occasionally going to be issues, but are we handling them in ways that create teachable moments?

Also, what is the trend? Are off field issues going up at a school or down? I think it's been troubling at Tennessee to see the sexual assault accusations going up. That seems to be an increasing problem at many schools across the country. So far I appreciate the way that coaching staff has handled those situations, but the fact that there have been several is cause for concern. UK had one of those and I'll leave for others to determine whether it was handled correctly, but the staff certainly acted swiftly and decisively.