My God!
“Jim Crow forced the black family to strive and create businesses and cultivate a basis of wealth . . . .”
Uhhh, I know several black families who have developed “businesses and wealth,”who were not “forced into it” because of racism.
I’ll be perfectly clear.
I am Southern to my core.
All of my families’ farms possess slave graves.
My Great-Grandather was the last slave owner in my direct line.
He volunteered after the Emancipation Proclaimation for the Union Army and marched from Atlanta to Savanah with William T. Sherman to crush the very institution he had inherited.
Hey, I’d like to have an opportunity for business creation and wealth!!
Take away my right to vote, and exclude
me and my children from the better funded schools . . . .!!
To Hell with tax cuts and “supply side” economics, THIS GUY HAS THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS!!
Extend this line of thinking farther: Hitler’s pograms helped foster Jewish immigration to Palestine, helping lead to state-hood for Israel by 1949!!
Hence, the Holocaust brought about the Israeli State!!
Partially true on a meaningless scale, as it hardly excuses the Holocaust!
There are a lot of “Dumb F@cks,” and some Coach football, unfortunately.