Rutgers football player reportedly severely injured during fight


Gold Member
Mar 6, 2009
Rutgers WR Carnell Davis was reportedly severely injured during a fight over the weekend.

Per The Press of Atlantic City, Davis was playing football with some friends when another man allegedly started saying derogatory things about Davis’s mom. Davis approached the man and an altercation ensued. The other man landed a punch on Davis and he fell to the ground, appearing seriously injured.

A video of the fight can be seen below

Dude just blasted him with one punch and looked like he knocked him out cold.

He got hit for certain, but reading the article it sounded like a fractured skull. Guy hit him on the jaw/chin area, he went down hard and fast. I was thinking the serious injury occurred when the back of his head hit the pavement, it was a whipping action.
Case of a "yo mama" joke gone bad?

Seriously though, wish the kid well, hope he's able to recover.
Dude just blasted him with one punch and looked like he knocked him out cold.
Gonna say he probably hit his head on the pavement when he fell. A pop to the jaw isn't going to cause a severe injury, concussion maybe, or broken jaw, but combined with a blow to the cranium on pavement, that can be life altering.
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Gonna say he probably hit his head on the pavement when he fell. A pop to the jaw isn't going to cause a severe injury, concussion maybe, or broken jaw, but combined with a blow to the cranium on pavement, that can be life altering.

Ya he put him to sleep on the punch. When you get hit like that your body is not going to protect itself on the fall back to earth. When that happens your either going to crumple in a pile or bang your head on the ground.

Thankfully neither one has happened to me in a fight. Been knocked senseless before with being hit with bottles, clubs etc but I never got out of the fight. Always ended up on the better end of it. I don't know if it was better because it's bothered me today on some of the fights I got in and what I did to em.
It’s strange to say, but hopefully it cracked his skull because the damage is usually worse when it doesn’t. If the brain is bleeding or swelling and that is contained, the only direction it can go it down the spine. A fracture gives the brain room to swell.

I’ve seen the aftermath (punch, hit back of head on ground) when the skull didn’t fracture and the guy will essentially be a vegetable. Still yet, the guy in the video is undoubtedly in an ICU and still has a long road to recovery. Prayers for him!
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It’s strange to say, but hopefully it cracked his skull because the damage is usually worse when it doesn’t. If the brain is bleeding or swelling and that is contained, the only direction it can go it down the spine. A fracture gives the brain room to swell.

I’ve seen the aftermath (punch, hit back of head on ground) when the skull didn’t fracture and the guy will essentially be a vegetable. Still yet, the guy in the video is undoubtedly in an ICU and still has a long road to recovery. Prayers for him!
Huh? No, not close. A skull fracture does not give the brain room to swell.
I knew 2 guys about 19-20 got hit like this. Both lived in Lexington both died of brain injuries due to being knocked out and hitting their head just like this.
Quency Magoo would not approve of this kind of stuff going on at his old school. Of course, he would not see much of it.